Lieberman's home timeline


  1. !mnbronies Here it is, Part one of the meet up. Part 2 will be up in a few hours.

    Sunday, 07-Aug-11 22:58:21 UTC from web
  2. !mnbronies Sounds like I missed one hell of a meetup. Oh well, maybe the next meet will fit my schedule better...

    Sunday, 07-Aug-11 22:05:34 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies More people should post about how much fun they had or the favorite part of their day. I haven't seen many people comment. Come on everypony we had almost 50 people, lets see some comments!!!

      Sunday, 07-Aug-11 19:38:57 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies By the way, we just got mentioned on Nightly Roundup tonight... I'm still gonna send EqD a message with the group album, a quick little write up and the videos whenever they're done uploading, though @_@;; So hopefully expect another mention of us with more stuff next Nightly Roundup or on Monday's XD;;

      Sunday, 07-Aug-11 09:56:06 UTC from web
      • !mnbronies It was super Special awesome (had to do it) to meet everypony today! Today was one of the best days I've had in a long time. I'll need to try to friend some of those I remember off the tip of my tongue on facebook at some point. We really gotta meet up again at some point. The watching of the premiere for Season 2 still sounds like an awesome idea, Silverglade had mentioned it. It'd just be a matter of acquiring a location and means of doing everything. Still a while before it needs to be worried about I guess though. See ya all at the next one!

        Sunday, 07-Aug-11 06:06:52 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies Well guys, today was super AWESOME! I'm very glad to have met every single one of you, even if I only made small chat with most of you. I'd like to thank Lindsay and Danielle for making this awesome group and inspiring me to help setup this awesome meetup, I'd like to thank Lindsay personally for taking the time to go find more name tags after we BOTH had some and forgot them (she even missed the group photo =( ), and I'd like to thank the rest of the mnbronies and facebook communities who joined the event for making this such a fun filled day. This My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom is truly the greatest thing I've ever experienced. I can't hang out with you guys again.

          Sunday, 07-Aug-11 04:41:38 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies I still think we should have a meetup at Valley Fair, except that it's expensive as bawlz to get in. I believe there's a group discount, but that would require more organization to get in.

          Sunday, 07-Aug-11 04:33:02 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies @muninns @globalwarmingx I'm totally down for the "My Little Problem" thing. You guys were really great to talk to and hang out with. I don't feel like I talked enough though. Like I said in a wayyyyyy earlier post weeks before the event, drinking helps me socialize more, and I only had ONE friggen drink. I'm an even more super awesome person when I get a good buzz going. Maybe at the "My Little Problem" thing lol.

            Sunday, 07-Aug-11 04:32:51 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies I want to say thank you to everypony that came today, it may have been hectic sometimes but everything turned out great at the end. Hope we do something like this again sometime. Also (Sorry have to do this) haha I got Celestia and Applejack today.

              Sunday, 07-Aug-11 03:31:43 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies LAUREN FAUST ANNOUNCED SEASON 2 AIR DATE!

                Sunday, 07-Aug-11 03:13:48 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies freakin winning. was a pleasure meeting all of you!!! FOR ALL ADULT BRONIES: proud to announce "My Little Problem: the Brony Drinking Club" not exclusive to 21+, we will be meeting up at places that allow underage bronies to attend (like bww and other restaurant/bar combos). friend me here and watch the mn group for meetups...prob once a month or so depending on interest--IT'S GONNA BE SO AWESOME

                Sunday, 07-Aug-11 02:45:56 UTC from web
              • Alright, if you have any pictures from the meet, I'll be sending this group album to EqD! c: (Since it apparently works XD) !mnbronies

                Sunday, 07-Aug-11 02:38:09 UTC from web
                • @researchpony Uhhhhh alright, I'm gonna try using the Photobucket group album feature thingy and see if we can all upload our pictures there and send the link to EqD, so we don't spam him with a billion album links! XD Does this link allow you to upload to it? !mnbronies

                  Sunday, 07-Aug-11 02:08:40 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies The event was a lot of fun (although I had to leave early)! Thanks for hosting it. Hopefully we can do this again soon. (And no, I don't mean tomorrow.)

                  Sunday, 07-Aug-11 02:01:44 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies @gami I have some Images of the event after you left but I don't know how to send or post them.

                  Sunday, 07-Aug-11 01:56:16 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies Remember to send your pics to so he can post them on Equestria Daily. Also, check out Celestia Radio at

                    Sunday, 07-Aug-11 01:46:43 UTC from web
                    • Hey, what a perfect time to get to fifty members on the page! c: Also, yes, the event was pretty fun although I had to leave at three! I'm sorry it was a bit disorganized, but it's hard to work with nearly fifty people in one group XD (By the way, at our peak point we had 48 people! o:) Again, we're open to any meet suggestions anypony has in the future and thank you all for attending! c: !mnbronies

                      Sunday, 07-Aug-11 01:36:57 UTC from web
                      • !mnbronies All you 21+ bronies, "My Little Problem" splinter group is a go! Super fun today! Contact Muninns or me for interest and we will get this going as a regular thing!

                        Sunday, 07-Aug-11 01:28:51 UTC from web
                        • !mnbronies Thanks for the awesome event! It was a lot of fun getting to know everypony! I would be totally down for another all age brony event soon!

                          Sunday, 07-Aug-11 01:22:15 UTC from web
                          • !mnbronies Ok, if you guys plan to follow through with the "My Little Problem", I may end up having to skip that one. Following you guys getting drunk doesn't sound like much fun.

                            Sunday, 07-Aug-11 00:36:11 UTC from web
                            • @shadowflame !mnbronies Don't take the group photo yet D: I slept in until 10:15

                              Saturday, 06-Aug-11 15:41:46 UTC from web
                              • I'll be there fairly early as well. I'll be the guy in a purple shirt or you can call me 507.530.2380. !mnbronies

                                Saturday, 06-Aug-11 05:33:35 UTC from web
                                • !mnbronies Oh and my cell is (612) 384-5879 (name's Alex BTW) and I plan to get there pretty early so you can call or text me as well if you're showing up late and need to hook up with the group (although I'm sure we'll split up at some point). Oh and here's a repost of the facebook link:

                                  Saturday, 06-Aug-11 03:35:45 UTC from web
                                  • !mnbronies I think I'll share mine too now. Please to to only leave cell phone #'s here, I don't want to call your homes =P. My number is: (651)246-0574.

                                    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 02:12:03 UTC from web
                                    • !mnbronies Hey all. Just thought I'd share my number now since it's getting so close. Any others should probably do the same that want to share their number (763-528-1138) texting my phone if anyone does is okay. I have unlimited text

                                      Saturday, 06-Aug-11 02:09:31 UTC from web
                                    • !mnbronies Should we get a group picture there?

                                      Friday, 05-Aug-11 19:42:31 UTC from web
                                    • @goldenacorn93 !mnbronies I don't eat junk food. Totally healthy diet here :D

                                      Saturday, 06-Aug-11 00:09:58 UTC from web
                                      • !mnbronies @goldenacorn93 I have a 3DS, but I'm probably just gonna bring my PSP, it has all the MLP:FIM episodes on it as well as my Kingdom Hearts: Brirth By Sleep game in it. @ohelig I think 13 is a decent limit. I'm sure restaurants will card for alchohol and "most" of us will card for sharing our smokes. Any younger would just be wrong.

                                        Friday, 05-Aug-11 17:47:45 UTC from web
                                      • @shadowflame !mnbronies Smoking is bad D:

                                        Friday, 05-Aug-11 22:17:39 UTC from web
                                        • !mnbronies First thing we need to do tomorrow after we meetup is setup figure out a restaurant we want to eat at for dinner so we can setup a reservation. I can't picture a restaurant just letting us seat 40+ people without one.

                                          Friday, 05-Aug-11 17:50:39 UTC from web