Misaki Prince Kagime (misakipony)

  1. !ottawabronies @coldshoulder If you go to animenorth.com and go to registration, and scroll down to the link where it says online registration, it still seems to work. Best do it ASAP, as they only have 1500 out of something like 15000 passes left, though.

    Monday, 26-Mar-12 18:07:13 UTC from web in context Repeat of cakewalk
  2. asdfghjkl !Ottawabronies apparently we also have a Facebook group that is /now/ open? http://www.facebook.com/groups/141324269304426/ Go join that too! But don't forget about the amazing super talented Pegasinners!.. I mean Pegasisters!

    Sunday, 25-Mar-12 18:59:21 UTC from web in context
  3. !Ottawabronies Hey you guys! I actually made a group /mostly/ only for the females! ;) If you want to join then here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/354526984588745/ (( I'm trying to organize events actually right now and want people to post their ideas! ))

    Sunday, 25-Mar-12 18:43:43 UTC from web
  4. Hey !Ottawabronies how is your McDonald Pony hunt going? Mines going pretty good, got 4 ponies (Well one extra Twilight Sparkle courtesy of @Nightbreak ) and saving it up for @DJMidli )) but I'm still trying to find Cherilee, Rainbow Dash and that one that looks like Derpy (The name escapes me.) Any of you guys know where to get? http://ur1.ca/8mml5

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 21:38:07 UTC from web in context