Replies to phagous, page 3

  1. @homfrog # the nuclear waste caused a random splice in reptile, equine, and human DNA. Causing Sentient Ponies capable of asexual reproduction.

    Thursday, 28-Apr-11 03:51:32 UTC from web in context
  2. @homfrog Yep. He still operates a Myspace though. Some of his new-ish songs are on there.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:14:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  3. @homfrog Very much so - This shall be something for me to attend to tomorrow. For now though, I think I'm off for the night. Later #!

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:12:33 UTC from web in context
  4. @homfrog He still is! He has an album and an EP out so far. He's just rather quiet lately. He got real burned out after touring so much.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:11:46 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  5. @homfrog On and on and on - So many forgotten artists. Makes me want to just search around for what happened to all these guys.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:08:35 UTC from web in context
  6. @homfrog Definitely pick up Melody AM. It's got some rich textures, varied, and it's an all-around great album.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:05:51 UTC from web in context
  7. @homfrog @haganbmj Aaron Carter is still around... just much older and is now a druggie. Dead serious.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:02:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  8. @homfrog Oh certainly - Royksopp is a favorite among friends of mine. I had a friend where I used to live that would DJ any social event in the area, and now does weekly gigs. He was my primary source of music for a time, and he introduced a lot of names. Haddaway I've heard more from, but I can't say I know the others (I probably do know one song each if you were to name the hits lol)

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 05:01:54 UTC from web in context
  9. @homfrog Aaron Carter - now there's a name I haven't heard since middle school. I really don't know what happened to him xD - I would almost say Cascada is a good example... "What Hurts the Most" & "Everytime We Touch" might be among the few most people know. Certainly though there's more range to Cascada than just that - and wonderful music beyond the commonly known. Perhaps the biggest name I can think of though is Rick Astley - Aside from "Never Gonna Give You Up" (which most people only know as the Rick Roll), I don't think I've ever met anyone who actually knew him as a musical artist.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:59:58 UTC from web in context
  10. @homfrog I collect them! I have several hundred, in fact. Many of them I got used for ~$2-3 on Amazon, it's actually cheaper sometimes to buy physical media than mp3s :)

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:58:40 UTC from web in context
  11. @starshine @homfrog Very true. Remind Me hit Geico commercials a few years back. Stuff like Eple, Happy Up There, What Else Is There?, Beautiful Day Without You - all fantastic.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:55:54 UTC from web in context
  12. @homfrog lol I don't either, ironically I only know that from reading about them after getting their CD

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:54:42 UTC from web in context
  13. @homfrog Yeah - I think I've heard "Pleasure and Pain" by the Diyinyls, but that's about it. Royksopp is a different story; personal favorite there - and I actively search out their music. I just looked up who Barbie Girl is by, and it's Aqua apparently; which just proves the point that I only know the song (and some disturbing videos of people singing it).

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:53:44 UTC from web in context
  14. @homfrog Royksöpp are definitely not one-hit wonders. About half their songs are on the radio, commercials, incidental music on tv, etc.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:52:14 UTC from web in context
  15. @homfrog I remember having a big argument with someone about I Touch Myself originally being a Blondie song. It's not, but there are heaps of websites which say it is.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:51:17 UTC from web in context
  16. @homfrog ahhhh don't make me move my mouse over that unsubscribe button already :P (lol just kidding)

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:50:11 UTC from web in context
  17. @homfrog Same here - I miss a lot of bands. That being said, you're quite right on the one-hit-wonder. I don't believe I've ever recognized another song.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:49:30 UTC from web in context
  18. @homfrog xD

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:45:26 UTC from web in context
  19. @homfrog Divinyls? EXCELLENT.

    Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 04:39:54 UTC from web in context