Notices by Prinny (prinny), page 2

  1. So after two days absence from school, @theponymancer has told me all of his wonderdul stories of his butt and 4chan.]]'

    Friday, 03-May-13 18:31:42 UTC from web in context
  2. @theponymancer I tot we hed somin speshul...

    Friday, 26-Apr-13 18:58:41 UTC from web in context
  3. @theponymancer That doesn't sound like a very efficient method of eating papayas.

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 18:43:46 UTC from web in context
  4. @fhqwhgads Yeah, sorry 'bout that, ponymancer is a friend of mine and he wanted me to entertain him a bit. Won't happen again from my end at least.

    Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 19:55:53 UTC from web in context
  5. @theponymancer You trickster, you

    Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 19:07:20 UTC from web in context

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