Erindor Stryker's home timeline


  1. @ponygeist !utahbronies To my knowledge, works for me. Aye for me, and another brony says Aye too, he would be carpooling with me, but he isn't in RBDN yet. He is totally up for it though. Let us know the plan.

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 05:08:48 UTC from web
    • @ponygeist !utahbronies Aye! That date works for Viv.

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 21:45:22 UTC from web
      • @ponygeist !utahbronies Aye! That date should work for Dranzy here.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 20:32:19 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies @eliaphir has a rough plan for the 23rd of July for a meet up. We still have not reached a consensus of WHERE to meet up or WHAT to do. Previously, we have had a Utah meet up that consisted of time at the Gateway (downtown SLC) where the various bronies in attendance each filmed a brief "about me" on the Moonscape exhibit at Clark Planetarium ( Because, c'mon, we may as well use the moonscape to pretend to be banished to the moon when we can. This in turn was followed by a brief lunch and general hanging out downtown. In summation: All in favor of July 23rd, say "aye". From there, we can hash out plans. Remember, if you'd like a larger forum for this discussion, email me and ask to be added to the main thread (panzergeist[at]gmail[dot]com)

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 09:09:42 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies for ongoing talks

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 19:07:10 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies I've joined up (finally). Any of you bronies up in Logan or in the northern parts of the state?

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:06:04 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies Any of you bronies hanging out in Southern Utah?

              Sunday, 17-Jul-11 18:49:32 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies Hey look, I've joined your group.

              Friday, 15-Jul-11 23:55:01 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies If there is a meetup in the works, sooner rather than later works for me. I leave for Scotland on August 2nd and start at the U immediately upon my return.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:47:22 UTC from web
            • @ponygeist Perhaps you are right, thinking about it, I need to get everyone I converted into !utahbronies, and I know several of them have cars. Thanks for letting me know anyway.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:21:02 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies This group got much bigger. When I joined, we had 7-8 members? Now we are up to 17! This is exciting. I don't know if I can make any of the meetups, mostly for transportation purposes, but I would love to hear more about Utah Bronies from all you.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 21:10:29 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies Excellent to see this group! Hope the meetup is before I go into the MTC.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 19:26:21 UTC from web
            • @eliaphir Hey, do you want an avatar for the !utahbronies group? A friend of mine cooked up a seal for a local meet up we had some time ago if you want it.

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 18:22:47 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies nice to see the group growing by the day, any plans for a meetup yet?

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 14:11:15 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies *fluttershy voice* yay

              Thursday, 14-Jul-11 11:29:25 UTC from web
              • !utahbronies Glad to see there's finally a group for us Utah bronies. Anyone attending the Y?

                Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:52:10 UTC from web
                • !utahbronies Glad to see there at least a good handful of us in Utah besides the ones I've converted. Out of curiosity, any of you bronies go to the U of U? If so, we need to organize a pony club.

                  Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:18:08 UTC from web
                • !utahbronies hey, I'm a born nevaden in salt lake for school, mind if I join up with this group?

                  Thursday, 14-Jul-11 04:56:23 UTC from web