Roma Italia
I am a brony and a pokemon fan and a gamer I'm also a Troll lol but if you need anything just PM me my other account is Sapphiredragon or Diamonddragon
More details...Nala Rein Drake (silverdragon)
Chaos and destruction thoughts?
Friday, 14-Sep-12 08:07:38 UTC from web -
Always things going on here lol
Friday, 14-Sep-12 08:04:43 UTC from web -
Any thing new?
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:50:37 UTC from web -
Any other topics please?
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:41:14 UTC from web -
Have fun with Alduin and the other Dragons or Dovah
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:39:21 UTC from web -
Arguments lovely lol
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:37:55 UTC from web -
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:36:31 UTC from web -
Does anyone watch anything there then mlp?
Lol wheres a troll when you need one
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:29:07 UTC from web -
Anyway have fun with Alduin i dont think friendship will work on him lol
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:22:02 UTC from web -
It is funny what most people do for fun among other things
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:19:57 UTC from web -
What does it mean i wonder
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:16:47 UTC from web -
The messege is welcome to the herd lol
Ive seen that bronys only exist after geting a messege is that right?
Ive seen the show i like it i also watch pokemon and digimon but both died after awhile pokemon after gen 4 and digimon died with data squad lol
Friday, 14-Sep-12 07:10:05 UTC from web -
Am i a brony for being on this webside because i dont know if i am lol
I have a question if anyone can answer it
Sigh trolls do help a lot lol
Friday, 14-Sep-12 06:03:28 UTC from web -
Stop arguing it will get you no where
Lol people troll everywhere thats funny
Friday, 14-Sep-12 05:59:57 UTC from web -
Death is not the answer it is the product of war and fighting
Friday, 14-Sep-12 05:55:54 UTC from web -
Foretea Fortuna everyone
Friday, 14-Sep-12 05:45:34 UTC from web -
@shadowrevelation Altair, could you lend a hand? Perhaps a blade?
Riposa in pace Altiar