starlightbolt's favorite notices, page 2

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  1. Time for another great story of how Starlight Bolt reveals he is a brony IRL. So I returned home from work this morning only to find this hanging on the inside of my door. I didn't think anything off it at first, but I just realized there two dudes in my appartment by themselves... looking at all my pony stuff! The first thing you see when you walk in is my desk with my newly bought Rarity and Pinkie Pie next my computer is right there with desktop ponies running with a Pony Background... they pass by the dinning table wear I have papers that I have drawn ponies all over... Finally they going into my room with the all my Rainbow Dash toys and pony shirts scattered about. If I ever get a chance to see them, all I'd say is "You're welcome."

    Friday, 27-May-11 06:06:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  2. @rainclop Here is a scan of my index card I turned in to class today. We had to write 1)Goal in life 2) Something you wouldn't guess about me 3) My thoughts on Math. Pinkie looks really dark in the scan for some reason (crappy scanner maybe). Everyone in the class knows I love ponies now. I figured we would just turn in the cards as we walked in, but instead we passed them forward... The guy at the front of the class turned around and asked "Who drew the awesome ponies?" Me not being one to turn down a compliment said "uh that was me." He then asked (keep in mind this conversation is happening across the classroom and everyone is listening for some reason) "So if your secret thing that you are an artist?" Which I replied "Who knows maybe I just love ponies."

    Tuesday, 24-May-11 19:36:47 UTC from web in context
  3. @chaosmagic I've been converting a lot of close minded friends of mine lately. I have a sure fire way to get them to watch the show willingly (and that’s step 1 to conversation). What you do is bring up something about intolerance (Something not pony related). Spark a discussion about how you don't understand how people can be so close minded and intolerant about something they have not experienced and don't know anything about. Discuss that until you are both agree that ppl who automatically judge something they have not experienced are less intelligent or something.... That’s when you bring up ponies, at that point they either have to give ponies a try willingly or become a hypocrite. And that’s how I get ppl to watch ponies :D

    Sunday, 22-May-11 21:59:50 UTC from web in context
  4. @abigpony It may not last forever, this is true, but ponies have been around since 1980. It's only the recent line that converted like 99% of us. It's lasted over 30 years. kids grew up and because adults who still cherish their childhood ponies. Who's to say that we wont keep fluttershy, applejack, rainbow dash, rarity, twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, luna, celestia, derpy, doctor whooves, and all the rest in our hearts for the rest of our lives? We are the one who made the fandom big. And when the show goes off the air for good (hopefully not till season 8 or something like that), we will have left a very long legacy. Tons of pmv's, music, fanfics, pics, OC's, and more. We've met tons of friends, made new relationships, and become better and nicer people (99% of us most likely). It's gonna be something I will always look back on fondly and carry till my dying day, and when I lay in that casket, I will have the core 6 with me. That's what MLP means to me, and to many others.

    Sunday, 22-May-11 05:58:43 UTC from web in context
  5. @carcinopony I've actually started to get irritated by non internet people. They can't understand half the things I would normally say D:

    Friday, 20-May-11 06:08:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  6. @gear

    Wednesday, 18-May-11 09:42:28 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  7. My old roommate of 4 years just posted this on my facebook... "I feel as if you have discovered Ecstasy or acid over the past few weeks. Now explain there damn ponies."

    Wednesday, 11-May-11 01:05:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  8. Fave & Repeat

    Wednesday, 04-May-11 01:31:36 UTC from web in context
  9. i have my desktop ponies on its so awesome

    Sunday, 01-May-11 18:03:20 UTC from web in context