w (ruminate)

  1. @atlantabronies !atlantabronies so like errr ... Peachy Pie wasn't my naming idea. Heh. But I love Scott's pic of her.

    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 20:25:00 UTC from web in context
  2. !atlantabronies aaaaaand I forgot to put the ! and the group name again. Internets, when will I ever get you? But yeah. http://mlparena.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=270195.html <--- Peachy Pie is an official Pinkie Pie repaint! Yay?

    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 20:08:58 UTC from web in context
  3. ps: http://mlparena.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=270195.html <--- Peach Pie is an official Pinkie Pie repaint! Yay? (Gaaah, I've become *that* nerd, haven't I?)

    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 20:06:29 UTC from web
  4. !atlantabronies I had a good time as well! Thanks for putting up with my camera shyness. Heh.

    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 20:04:51 UTC from web
  5. *Note to self* next time when googling, "fluttershy chewing squirrel" will not produce desired result. "fluttershy squirrel" will prove more fruitful. Possibilties for googling "fluttershy eating squirrel" deemed too frightening to contemplate. *end note* yay icon.

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 01:09:40 UTC from web
  6. @atlantabronies sorry about the double message. I was trying to figure out how to work the site and how to post it to the group. *blush*

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 01:01:00 UTC from web in context
  7. @atlantabronies !atlantabronies For the Atlanta meet tomorrow, will y'all still be there after 3:45 ish? I can't make it before then. Thanks!

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:55:25 UTC from web in context
  8. @madflavors thanks :). Well, time to go and repeat myself since that question was kinda important. Internets, when will I ever get you? :(

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:52:07 UTC from web
  9. @progfox rocks good. somewhat irony. I speak ...speakingspeech? Though I am now combing the wilds for a cap of Fluttershy chewing a squirrel for my icon. Eh, that's something I never thought I'd ever type that in a sentence. Wow, English, isn't it flexible? XP

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:50:25 UTC from web in context
  10. @progfox new to this. Cannot brain that fast. Have been living under a rock. Also feeling old. XP

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:45:45 UTC from web in context
  11. *stares at the network* gaaaaaaaaah am I doing this thing right? It's not showing up in the group page. Maybe I should've added an exclamation mark? Now I know how my parents felt when I had to teach them about "e-mail thinger" and the intertubles. I am going to go wallow in ... whatever ... I'm supposed to wallow in when being site illiterate and pathetic. :P

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:43:10 UTC from web in context
  12. @atlantabronies um, I must be getting old because I'm not sure I'm using this network correctly, but eh, if I goof, you can laugh at me :). Anyways, for the Atlanta meet tomorrow, will y'all still be there after 3:45 ish? I can't make it before then. Thanks!

    Saturday, 30-Jul-11 00:22:37 UTC from web in context


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