

  1. The biggest trap in"adult" animation is that it uses vulgarity and crass situations too often. It's easy to appeal to juvenile adults with "forbidden" stuff like violence and sexuality but the more lasting stuff are the more day-to-day real adult situations the characters have to deal with. These situations can be comical or otherwise but the basis has to be familiar and relatable and somewhat a base adult life experience. The earlier Simpsons seasons are one of the best as they are not flanderized to the extreme. Bob's Burgers is similar as most episodes deal with heightened but not completely unrealistic situations. I'm not against some violence but it can be grating and numbing and boring when it is used too often.

    about a year ago from web
    1. @adiwan are u thinking of hazbin hotel/helluva boss as you write this? lol

      about a year ago from web
      1. @chomper Truth to be told: I saw half of the first episode and said "Not for me." I have no idea, or want to know, what people do in that fandom. What it comes to any fandom there is one motto that can be always applied: Ignorance is bliss.It is healthier limit interactions with *fan*atics :D

        about a year ago from web
      2. @chomper To answer your question: No I have not put a single thought into either of one.

        about a year ago from web
        1. @adiwan damn it really sounded like you were describing those shows beat for beat lmao. I guess that just puts into perspective how similar "adult" animations are these days. Describing one might as well be describing them all.

          about a year ago from web
          1. @chomper These days you can throw a stone and always hit one. The last one I saw was "Inside Job" on Netflix, mostly because it was produced by Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls) but it was sadly right in the valley of mediocrity because it went "adult" route and used unnecessary vulgarity.

            about a year ago from web
      3. @chomper Hey, I love "Helluva Boss!" I don't deny any of the accusations, lol. Just saying that uuhhhh..... I guess it's lazy *if* you're doing it for fauz gravitas, but it can still be fun. I wouldn't say that's *all* HB has going for it or going on; there's a lot of interpersonal relationship and character development under the bloodbath and pottymouth.

        about a year ago from web
        1. @scribus I like most of helluva actually! I just find the edgy humor to be boring and uncreative lol. But I genuinely like a few of the characters and the worldbuilding/lore.

          about a year ago from web