

  1. AI image generation is dangerously addicting. It's like a loot box where one hope to get a good image or the perfect image. I've spent too much time yesterday generating portrait images for preparing to my D&D adventure. Also Bing's Dall-E has a content filter that makes it a little bit more tricky to make grotesque images. For example I wanted to create a fleshy and bloody amalgam of unicorn body parts that assemble into one giant and colossal unicorn. The background is that the heroes have defeated the wizard that used unicorns and their blood to fuse animals together. However the remnants of that magic and unicorn blood and the disposed bodies were tossed into the sewers and spread through the rivers. Now they have to "clean up" the whole mess and be some kind of Ghostbusters but with bloody unicorn blobs with veiny tendrils instead of ghosts.

    about 5 months ago from web