

  1. I mean for real though anything else would be considered incomplete at best in this kind of state, piracy is not a "crime" if releasing broken garbage is a "business"

    about a month ago from web
    1. @scribus The only sane way to enjoy games is to wait until it's on sale. Up to that point most bugs have been squashed and cheap enough to buy two or more games for the price of one new game. I just bought myself Return To Monkey Island. I'm hesitating on buying Metal Wolf Chaos XD. I tried the original on my hacked XBox (copied to the HDD) but the cutscenes stuttered horribly.

      about a month ago from web
      1. @adiwan That's why I waited 22 years to even try Everquest!

        about a month ago from web
        1. @scribus I waited years for the release of the sequel of my most favorite game, Simon The Sorcerer 2, which was Simon The Sorcerer 3D. When it eventually released it was a MESS. Everything that could be wrong was wrong, from the graphics, the controls, the performance, story, bugs at every corner... I was heartbroken when I was reading the reviews in the magazines. It took years until I was brave enough to face it, when I got the full version with the add-in CD from a PC gaming magazine. Even patched it was still a sewer system worth of kiwi. The 4th and 5th installment of Simon The Sorcerer were better but were soulless imitations of the first two.

          about a month ago from web