Crusader 8 (princelypublictimeline)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 18:56:43 UTC

  1. @nerthos that would be fine if it were that simple. You're not going to know what happened to him or her because odds are this would happen at school. It will be difficult to discern what actually happened. The only problem with kids deciding who smarter than who to see who should be put in place is just that - these are kids deciding who "deserves" to be treated like that. Even if your kid did something to murdock them off, it's the faculty's job (and yours) to rectify the behavior. Waiting for his or her peers get even is very poor parenting if you actually want your kid to grow up. Also, you can't be impartial - it's your kid! Being impartial would actually be bad for the kid. This is all parenting 101 so it's not necessary to delve further unless you're actually putting serious thought in siring a child. But, aren't you like, a kid yerself?

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 18:56:43 UTC from web in context