Narwhal (narwhal)'s status on Monday, 12-Oct-15 03:46:15 UTC

  1. So I've finished my first playthrough of Undertale, and uh, wow. That was good. Really good. I didn't even get the "true" ending, but even still, what a game. The hype is real, and I'm happily buying into it. I'll definitely go into detail in the future regarding a lot of my specific thoughts on the game as there's a lot I can say about it (plus I'd like to get the other endings!) but for now I'll just say I loved it. It was charming, clever, poignant, tragic, heartwarming, heartbreaking, surreal, and above all gosh darn hilarious. This is easily my game of the year, and probably my game of the decade too. I'm busting out the m-word for this one, this game is a real bonafide masterpiece in my eyes that sits amongst my uppermost echelon of personal favourites as a meaningful piece that will be remembered fondly for years to come. Undertale is a triumph.

    Monday, 12-Oct-15 03:46:15 UTC from web in context