adiwan (adiwan)'s status on Monday, 06-May-24 19:56:07 UTC

  1. I miss the distinction between the different defense types in D&D 5e. In 4th edition there was other than AC also Reflex (DEX, INT), Will (WIS, CHA), and Fortitude (STR, CON). I have a slight distaste for the amount of spells and attacks that require saving throws in 5e. In 5e it's easy to resolve a simple attack as it has only one value to check against, however a spell caster might not wear strong armor but has to rely on luck. I'm aware that saving throws are kinda the inverse of attacks but I don't like the mechanic direction and implicit flavoring. I guess in 5e it's slightly easier for a DM to keep track of.

    about a month ago from web