Matty K (demoreel)
We've moved! Check us out on Facebook!
@sparklepeep where is trot con?
@hiccupflux !phillybronies I forgot the link.
!phillybronies, sup. I know most of ya'll are leigh valley bronies, but the Philly Bronies are have a meetup at valley forge. Check it out! Lots of fun is always had at our meets.
@sparklepeep hey sparklepeep. The Philly Bronies are having a meetup next week,
!phillybronies just a quick reminder. We have a zoo meetup today (saturday) at 1:00pm!!
Saturday, 14-Apr-12 04:34:50 UTC from web -
!phillybronies we have a zoo meetup planed for april 14th.
Monday, 26-Mar-12 02:56:44 UTC from web -
@derpytails , hey I'll make you an admin on the facebook group once you join! Just make sure to tell me who you are.
@yuri I do believe I was. Lol
!phillybronies, ok so, I have made a philly brony group page. Check it out, come join, lets meet up! lots of fun!
Tuesday, 28-Feb-12 06:01:30 UTC from web -
@yuri lol, don't be such a silly filly. That's just immature people.
Tuesday, 28-Feb-12 06:00:00 UTC from web -
@yuri in what way is having an easy to use social network where planing can occur quickly "the devil"?
Monday, 27-Feb-12 05:39:39 UTC from web -
!phillybronies so I'm curious, who do most of you guys use this network over something like facebook or ponysquares?
Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:27:03 UTC from web -
!phillybronies so Fillydelphia type ponies, what's going on?
Saturday, 18-Feb-12 16:07:02 UTC from web -
Green Bay Meetup!! !greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial !milwaukeebronies
Monday, 21-Nov-11 05:04:35 UTC from web -
!milwaukeebronies - Hey, did you guys know this is going on next weekend? It's just south of Milwaukee
Thursday, 29-Sep-11 16:35:50 UTC from web -
!greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial - So, there appears to be a meet up going on in the lower milwaukee area. In other words, Lets go APPLE BUCKING!! Here's the info,
Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 16:00:02 UTC from web -
@dainrowbash ,ok thats cool, do you know of any other bronies around who would be willing for a GB meetup? I've been trying to get a bowling night together or something, but there dosen't seem to be that many bronies in the GB area, which I find hard to believe.
!greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial Pillows are on sale at the Green Bay Toys R Us! They have both Twilight and Pinkie.
Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 18:45:00 UTC from web -
@dainrowbash hey, i'm curious (since you say your a cheese head) if you're from the green bay area?
@starshine dosen't it though? I jumped after I realized what I had miss typed.
Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:32:44 UTC from web
!greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial - So I was thinking for a meetup we could go bowling
@abigpony wow, my spell check sucks. (Once again, not what I mean) I mean bowling.
Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:17:24 UTC from web -
@greenbaybronies, common, there has to be more than just us 3?!
Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:15:26 UTC from web -
Not much to do, but watch ponies!