Matty K's home timeline


  1. !milwaukeebronies - Hey, did you guys know this is going on next weekend? It's just south of Milwaukee

    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 16:35:50 UTC from web
    • !milwaukeebronies Brunch you say? I'm game. Any Saturday in October should work for me.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 04:18:18 UTC from web
      • !greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial - So, there appears to be a meet up going on in the lower milwaukee area. In other words, Lets go APPLE BUCKING!! Here's the info,

        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 16:00:02 UTC from web
        • !milwaukeebronies Thanks for hosting another meetup. The muffins were delicious! Oh and Heartment, I was the guy that emailed you at like 7:30 asking for your address, turns out I found it in my phone's google map's history from the last meet up ^_^

          Saturday, 17-Sep-11 21:15:12 UTC from web
          • !milwaukeebronies Last call for folks who want to come to my place to watch the first episode of the new season! Please e-mail me at, because I don't want to post my home address online. If you're shy, don't worry! We are very friendly and it looks like it's going to be a small gathering. :)

            Friday, 16-Sep-11 18:31:12 UTC from web
            • !milwaukeebronies I think it would be fun to hang out for a few hours afterwards. I'd love to have a discussion about what possibilities Episode 2 and the rest of the season hold! It definitely won't be an all-day event, though. I work 2nd shift on Friday night and again on Saturday, and I'm pretty sure I won't sleep too well the night before. The event will last from about 7:45AM to 11:00AM CDT, for those needing to arrange transportation.

              Monday, 12-Sep-11 08:34:03 UTC from web
              • !milwaukeebronies REMINDER! I'm going to have a gathering at my place on the morning the 17th to watch the first episode of the second season! If you are interested in going, please E-MAIL ME at, and I will send you my address! Plan on arriving at least by 7:45AM. Once 8:00AM hits, I'm not answering the door for ANYPONY! We'll have blueberry muffins, cinnamon streusel muffins, and chocolate chip muffins! We'll have milk, orange juice, apple juice, and coffee. :D (The very same episode is airing again at 8:30AM, for possible late arrivals! I know I wouldn't mind watching it again, since that's what I'd probably be doing anyway!)

                Monday, 12-Sep-11 08:27:02 UTC from web
                • @dainrowbash hey, i'm curious (since you say your a cheese head) if you're from the green bay area?

                  Sunday, 04-Sep-11 04:18:32 UTC from web
                • !greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial Pillows are on sale at the Green Bay Toys R Us! They have both Twilight and Pinkie.

                  Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 18:45:00 UTC from web
                  • !greenbaybronies !greenbaybroniesofficial - So I was thinking for a meetup we could go bowling

                    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:18:49 UTC from web
                  • !greenbaybronies

                    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:32:44 UTC from web
                    • @abigpony wow, my spell check sucks. (Once again, not what I mean) I mean bowling.

                      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:17:24 UTC from web
                      • !milwaukeebronies I forgot that my dad is an early morning person. Provided nothing comes up, I may actually be able to come to this get-together. :D

                        Saturday, 03-Sep-11 00:45:55 UTC from web
                        • !milwaukeebronies Hey everypony! I just got cable installed, so I get The Hub! I have a 40-inch TV, too. :D about a get-together at my place on Saturday, September 17th at 8:00AM to watch the first episode of Season 2! I know it's crazy-early, but we'll be making muuuffffins for breakfast! :D

                          Thursday, 01-Sep-11 19:25:47 UTC from web
                        • !milwaukeebronies That is crazy early, especially since it would be a moderate drive to get there, but I am just crazy enough to maybe consider it...

                          Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:10:41 UTC from web
                          • !milwaukeebronies Well in response to a meetup at the Milwaukee Art Museum, hmm. That would be a pretty epic venue, that place is beautiful. Not sure what it offers us in terms of food or shared entertainment though. I don't know, that's something to think about though.

                            Thursday, 01-Sep-11 07:39:08 UTC from web
                          • !milwaukeebronies Just got back from a trip to the Milwaukee museum; it's just begging to be used for a meetup! Between the butterfly room (I was actually singing "So Many Wonders" for a minute) and the new planetarium presentation (for those who would like to be sent to the moon), it'd be perfect if it weren't for the prices.

                            Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:06:15 UTC from web
                            • !milwaukeebronies I did not know there was a meetup already, but I had to help people move into my college on that day (Beloit College). Let me know if there is another one!

                              Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 04:45:28 UTC from web
                            • !milwaukeebronies @heartmend Great meet up, the organs at the place made it a little hard to hear the table conversation but on the other hand it made the whole thing a lot more memorable. No way will I ever forget about that place xD

                              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 05:22:34 UTC from web
                              • !milwaukeebronies Oh, and feedback is very welcome! If there was something you'd like to see addressed, please don't hesitate to write me at about it! Whether it's criticism or praise or just different ideas, know that I'm willing to work with you. My ultimate goal is to make this as much fun as possible for everyone. =)

                                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 04:03:13 UTC from web
                              • !milwaukeebronies The first-ever Milwaukee brony meetup was a resounding success! Everyone had a ton of fun. Pizza was great, and tasty! We sadly couldn't get them to play pony songs on the organ, but that just might require a little more planning... ;) We then went back to our place to watch pony episodes and pony stuff on Youtube. My cheeks are seriously tired from laugh and smiling so much. You all are completely awesome. THANK YOU to anyone who could attend! I haven't laughed this much in a long time. For the next brony meet-up, I will try to give at least 2-3 weeks notice, and I have learned a lot about how to plan this out better. I am planning on doing many more of these!

                                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 03:56:25 UTC from web
                              • !milwaukeebronies Okay, so just to confirm. We are meeting on SATURDAY, August 27th at 1:00PM. Organ Piper Pizza isn't even open that early on Friday! (I hope this message reaches people in time!!)

                                Friday, 26-Aug-11 07:00:04 UTC from web
                              • !milwaukeebronies It's time for Pizza and Ponies! On Friday, August 27th, 2011 at 1:00PM, we will be meeting at the Organ Piper on 4353 S 108th St, Greenfield, Wi! My wife will be wearing a black T-shirt with a G3 MLP on it, I'll have a small sign and some of the figures! We don't have anything in particular planned afterwards, but there is a mini-golf course near Hwy 100 & Layton Ave., there's a Target nearby for those wanting the toys but too shy to shop alone, and if we just want to hang out there's any number of options. I'm totally open for ideas, too! If you have any questions about the meetup, please reply to this post or e-mail me at! I just know it's gonna be SO AWESOME! /)^3^(\

                                Sunday, 21-Aug-11 08:18:13 UTC from web
                              • @greenbaybronies, common, there has to be more than just us 3?!

                                Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:15:26 UTC from web
                                • Not much to do, but watch ponies!

                                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:13:21 UTC from web
                                • !milwaukeebronies I was thinking of having a meetup on Saturday, August 27th. Would anyone be interested? Please suggest a place, too!

                                  Friday, 19-Aug-11 06:36:09 UTC from web