Brandon Bermudes's home timeline


  1. !houstonbronies alright we have 2people so far that would go to a halloween meetup, any more?

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 21:44:04 UTC from web
  2. !houstonbronies Today I die my hair, I let ponychan deciede the color. It will either be rainbow or purple. Any suggestions?

    Monday, 10-Oct-11 20:11:30 UTC from web
  3. !houstonbronies Houston has ghost tours in the historical district. Kemah & Galveston does as well. I'm planning to attend the one in Galveston while I'm there. You may want to look into something like that.

    Monday, 10-Oct-11 12:50:00 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies yeah on halloween. prob we could go to a scary house or something lol. or we could go trick or treating.

      Monday, 10-Oct-11 00:41:09 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies i would be interested in it, as long as it's on the weekend.

        Sunday, 09-Oct-11 21:47:14 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies Finally! A werewolf pony pic ^_^ no more snow wolf avatar.

          Saturday, 08-Oct-11 00:18:41 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies Would anyone like to go to a meetup over halloween? IDK where it would be at but if anyone has any suggestions feel free to say it over houstonbronies.

            Friday, 07-Oct-11 02:22:24 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies If anyone likes house music check this out.

            Thursday, 06-Oct-11 23:51:51 UTC from web
            • !houstonbronies I found this parody a while ago and I believe this should be ponified! For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's based on "going to the store". You'll have to watch it to understand. now onto the parody!

              Thursday, 06-Oct-11 22:17:11 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies I heard Fluttershy and got instantly interested.

                Thursday, 06-Oct-11 19:09:56 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies Checking the update on Equestria Daily this morning, I found this - - It's a tutorial on making pegasi wings & ears for cosplay. And guess who the model for this one is? Fluttershy! For all of you cosplayers out there who wanted to make a costume, this one's for you.

                Thursday, 06-Oct-11 11:32:21 UTC from web
                • !houstonbronies This is the status of a 12year old girl I know, Idon'twanttoliveonthisplanetanymore

                  Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:39:01 UTC from web
                  • !houstonbronies gurl stops meking out n asks boi to get potartz. he dus. den gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais "bf i am pregnent will u stay ma bf" n he seys "no". gurl iz hertbrokn. <////3 gurl cried n runz awaii from boi wiffout eatin poptart n she has low blood suga so she fols. boi runs ova 2 her. she ded </333333333 boi crie "i sed i no b ur bf...cuz i wona b ur husband!" he screems n frows poptart @ wol....a bootiful diomand ring wus insyd. TUMBS UP IF U CRY EVERTIM

                    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:36:50 UTC from web
                    • ...and here i thought i was the only brony in the houston area haha

                      Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 19:31:40 UTC from web
                      • hello there everypony

                        Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 19:22:33 UTC from web
                      • !houstonbronies Watch this video - - You know what that means? ^_^ Eeyup! October is Applejack month!

                        Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 19:06:20 UTC from web