Rebecca "Eneha" R. (eneha)

  1. This site is so confusing. XD Not really, but I'm kind of slow. Err, well, the meet-up is officially Saturday at noon in the hotel lobby. Another smaller meet-up can optionally occur Friday at 8pm in the lobby, and tentatively Sunday around 12pm at the local mall's food court? I'll be bringing a few con-exclusive sculpts/mods for raffle/sale/show off to anypony interested btw =P And if I'm feeling real creative, I'll have a few little games/events established with some little pony merch prizes. If anyone wants to help, email :3

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 19:41:23 UTC from web in context
  2. @nickonimura July 29-31st, all other info is on there about the convention itself. Meet-up wise, we don't have anything set. Saturday would be the best bet, probably earlier rather than later, but I'm trying to work towards the majority ^^;

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 23:50:58 UTC from web in context


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6 Jul 2011
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