Patrick's home timeline


  1. !utahbronies Okay, we have vivthefeline, ponyshock, and eliaphir. Is there anyone else who wants to put their hoof in for the leader of the group or is that all?

    Monday, 25-Jul-11 21:03:16 UTC from web
  2. !utahbronies @circuitmane I'd be up for it also, but only if everyone agrees.

    Monday, 25-Jul-11 17:26:34 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies So, I had an idea for the next meetup. How many people would like to do a sort of pony hair tutorial day? We each get a brushable, and those who know how to do so (me included) help everyone else make their pony's hair more show-accurate. Location might be an issue, we'd probably have to do it at someone's house just so we have easy access to cold and hot water. Thoughts?

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 01:23:16 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies @circuitmane We need a new leader!

      Monday, 25-Jul-11 06:16:49 UTC from web
      • !utahbronies @circuitmane *raises hoof*

        Monday, 25-Jul-11 05:15:54 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies Alright, first thing we need to do is get an idea of who would like to be in charge of the group. Can I get a hooves up on this?

          Monday, 25-Jul-11 04:46:26 UTC from web
        • !utahbronies @circuitmane Agreed

          Sunday, 24-Jul-11 22:23:54 UTC from web
          • !utahbronies Had a lot of fun at the meet up. maybe next time we can have a plan lol

            Sunday, 24-Jul-11 08:41:00 UTC from web
            • !utahbronies Sadly, despite being only my first meetup, it'll also be my last, at least for a while. As I mentioned before, I go into the Provo MTC August 24th, and from thence to the Japan Kobe Mission! Ponyshock has graciously offered to continue to keep me in the loop on this group, though, and I'll be sure to send any fitting stories from Japan his way as well.

              Sunday, 24-Jul-11 05:56:12 UTC from web
              • !utahbronies *replace [these treats are] w/ [this meetup was]

                Sunday, 24-Jul-11 05:47:20 UTC from web
                • !utahbronies Awesome meetup today, guys! Twas much much fun.

                  Sunday, 24-Jul-11 03:28:02 UTC from web
                  • !utahbronies We meeting outside of Dick's because we're a bunch of dicks? I'm kidding. Y'all know I love ya. I look forward to dicking around with you all. Love, Dranz E. Pants.

                    Saturday, 23-Jul-11 03:56:42 UTC from web
                    • !utahbronies For the moment, it looks like I can still come, I can't wait to meet all of you. Hope to see you there.

                      Saturday, 23-Jul-11 02:05:56 UTC from web
                      • !utahbronies Let's all refrain from making jokes about DICK'S SPORTING GOODS. Get the giggles out now, please.

                        Friday, 22-Jul-11 16:20:10 UTC from web
                        • !utahbronies Meet at the red x around 2-2:30. We'll hold the line for any late comers

                          Friday, 22-Jul-11 06:22:17 UTC from web
                          • !utahbronies @ponygeist Sounds good.

                            Thursday, 21-Jul-11 17:37:19 UTC from web
                            • !utahbronies Based on a few things I'm seeing, I propose we meet at 2-2:30 and then chill for an extended period for any late comers. Thoughts?

                              Thursday, 21-Jul-11 14:29:12 UTC from web
                            • !utahbronies What are your thoughts about a slightly later start time? It seems we have some folks that can't make the 1PM meet

                              Thursday, 21-Jul-11 04:10:12 UTC from web
                              • !utahbronies We have a plan for a simple meet and greet on July 23rd at the Gateway in downtown Salt Lake at 1 PM. If you need more information, a ride, etc, please hit me up at panzergeist[at]gmail[dot]com for further information

                                Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 16:32:50 UTC from web
                                • !utahbronies It seems we're moving forward with the 23rd. We should decide on a time of day. I'm partial to 3 PM, but I'm flexible. Thoughts?

                                  Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 15:53:20 UTC from web
                                  • @ponygeist !utahbronies Motion carries, sir.

                                    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 07:35:00 UTC from web
                                  • !utahbronies We have approx 8 "ayes" for the 23rd on RDN alone. Does motion carry, or shall we continue the voting?

                                    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 07:14:26 UTC from web
                                    • !utahbronies WAIT! Red flag! Isn't the 23rd the day all Pioneer Day celebrations are taking place? As we'll probably be meeting somewhere in SLC, there may be a slight conflict with that.

                                      Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 03:39:21 UTC from web
                                    • @ponygeist !utahbronies I say aye, should be in town by then.

                                      Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 06:18:27 UTC from web
                                      • @ponygeist !utahbronies To my knowledge, works for me. Aye for me, and another brony says Aye too, he would be carpooling with me, but he isn't in RBDN yet. He is totally up for it though. Let us know the plan.

                                        Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 05:08:48 UTC from web
                                        • @ponygeist !utahbronies Aye! That date works for Viv.

                                          Monday, 18-Jul-11 21:45:22 UTC from web
                                          • @ponygeist !utahbronies Aye! That date should work for Dranzy here.

                                            Monday, 18-Jul-11 20:32:19 UTC from web
                                            • !utahbronies @eliaphir has a rough plan for the 23rd of July for a meet up. We still have not reached a consensus of WHERE to meet up or WHAT to do. Previously, we have had a Utah meet up that consisted of time at the Gateway (downtown SLC) where the various bronies in attendance each filmed a brief "about me" on the Moonscape exhibit at Clark Planetarium ( Because, c'mon, we may as well use the moonscape to pretend to be banished to the moon when we can. This in turn was followed by a brief lunch and general hanging out downtown. In summation: All in favor of July 23rd, say "aye". From there, we can hash out plans. Remember, if you'd like a larger forum for this discussion, email me and ask to be added to the main thread (panzergeist[at]gmail[dot]com)

                                              Monday, 18-Jul-11 09:09:42 UTC from web
                                            • !utahbronies for ongoing talks

                                              Monday, 18-Jul-11 19:07:10 UTC from web
                                              • !utahbronies I've joined up (finally). Any of you bronies up in Logan or in the northern parts of the state?

                                                Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:06:04 UTC from web