Replies to fugles

  1. @fugles Myself and approx 4 others have been talking it over via email. Anyone who wants in on the planning, hit me up at panzergeist[at]gmail[dot]com !utahbronies

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 17:24:44 UTC from web in context
  2. @fugles I enjoy it here, its pretty fun. Tale it from me, a veteran: This place is awesome.

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 05:04:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  3. @fugles Ok good thing we are at the same pace now so you better prepare I even do hug tackles.

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 05:02:21 UTC from web in context
  4. @fugles well since you are new, I'm gonna tell you this now before you question. I hug everypony here and I love to do group hugs. K?

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:57:02 UTC from web in context
  5. @fugles Yeah I'm fast like that.

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:54:46 UTC from web in context
  6. @fugles Well, we are an active community, and a new face is always recognized.

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:53:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  7. @fugles then welcome good to see a new face

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:49:55 UTC from web in context
  8. @fugles Welcome to the site. Have a nice stay. I hope you'll make some great friends here.

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:49:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context

    Monday, 11-Jul-11 04:45:09 UTC from web in context