golyadkin's home timeline


  1. @cypresswolf !houstonbronies I did request to join the facebook group, it's been quite some time since I logged into that profile. >.> I suppose I could lurk on both for the time being, hopefully we'll see a resurgence of activity.

    Wednesday, 11-Jan-12 13:03:11 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies bananasa ya'll haven't heard this one yet! White Christmases In Houston - Branded Duo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJa1rA_YVPg

      Tuesday, 20-Dec-11 20:21:33 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies I recieved my Gilda Giffon custom in the mail today! ^_^ This one here - http://www.ebay.com/itm/290642384528?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 - And to celebrate! GILDA FOR EVERYPONY!!!!! ^_^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzT4xbuL8TM

        Friday, 16-Dec-11 04:00:42 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies Time for a new Derpy Avatar. Found a nice screen shot from Feeling Pinkie Keen. Is Derpy's expression clear? Should I edit it to make it a bit bigger?

          Thursday, 08-Dec-11 21:26:18 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies Monty Pony Pythons ^_O...Let's try that again *clears throat* Monty Python Ponies ^_^ Better! Monty Python and the Elements of Harmony (Ending Scene) by LimeyLassen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb4lqEzHCwo&feature=channel_video_title - # #

            Friday, 02-Dec-11 22:28:12 UTC from web
            • !Houstonbronies Found some new Shadowbolt music - Shadowbolts! Sally out! -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys_0vmWLqqM - # # # # #

              Monday, 28-Nov-11 22:15:04 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies Watching the new episode from Bronystate live stream, they played part 2 of the Discord Saga, and I got an idea. Does anyone here know how to make mods? Seeing Discorded Ponyville when the mane six return from Celestia's Palace, I think A Discorded Skyrim mod would fit perfectly well. Let me know what all of yall think. # # # # #

                Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:24:09 UTC from web
                • !houstonbronies https://www.facebook.com/events/146138248819970/

                  Monday, 21-Nov-11 03:11:54 UTC from web
                • !houstonbronies Don't forget everypony, we're having our next meetup on Saturday Dec. 3 at the Houston Zoo!

                  Monday, 21-Nov-11 03:11:41 UTC from web
                  • !houstonbronies Hey Ya'll! ^_^ Hanging out in the Bronystate Live Stream Tonight! http://www.bronystate.net/ I'll be in the Rainbow Dash Theatre room tonight. We're Watching Distrct 9, then Cutie Mark Crusaders, Labrinth, & lastly Feeling Pinkie Keen - in that order.

                    Saturday, 19-Nov-11 01:11:20 UTC from web
                    • !houstonbronies I just saw the Equestria Daily post on the outcome of Houston Brony Meetup 2, I feel bad I missed out on that. That part with the waitress made me smile - If you're reading this btw, Scootaloo is Best Crusader! Anyway, Those pictures turned out pretty good. For those of you who have subscribed to me that have seen the pics on FB, Im only in 2 of them, Im the bearded guy with the dark brown bottle cap shirt.

                      Friday, 18-Nov-11 01:20:49 UTC from web
                      • !houstonbronies So, looks like I'll be sitting this meet out after all due to time constraints. It's a long drive to the Woodlands. :\ But have fun, everypony!

                        Saturday, 12-Nov-11 20:43:08 UTC from web
                        • !houstonbronies I should be leaving here in the next 30 minutes....I got a call about an hour ago about a Shrimp boil at my parents house, so I'll be leaving around 5 to make it over there. Picked up my copy of Skyrim this morning, PC version was sold out at my local Game Stop, but got the last of 3 copies for Xbox ^_^ *feels acomplished* Im loving the hell out of the dual weapon system!

                          Saturday, 12-Nov-11 19:55:16 UTC from web
                        • !Houstonbronies So, if you guys are meeting up at Main Event, does that mean there will be...bowling?

                          Saturday, 12-Nov-11 18:29:43 UTC from web
                          • !Houstonbronies Aaand for the second time, I only learn about the meetup when it gets mentioned on EQD -- I keep forgetting to check here. D: I blame school. I'm torn -- do I go, or do I do the responsible thing and study? Maybe I should make a coin with Pinkie Pie one one side and Twilight on the other for moments like this.

                            Friday, 11-Nov-11 20:40:57 UTC from web
                          • !Houstonbronies WHOOHOO! News of our 2nd meetup has reached the ears of Equestria Daily -http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/nightly-roundup-153.html#more - I'm looking forward to more people showing up. See Ya'll tomorrow! ^_^

                            Friday, 11-Nov-11 12:14:55 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies The Pony Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpQFT-sRxBU&feature=feedrec_grec_index

                            Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 08:28:30 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies We have a meet coming up! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=222962854436940

                            Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:42:52 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies LMAO...I just noticed the web tracker. I with-held the info for so long it decided to guess at my location ^_^ It's way off. Silly web tracker

                            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 17:17:01 UTC from web
                          • @eqdpony !houstonbronies ^_^ For those not online yet

                            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 02:42:25 UTC from web
                            • !Houstonbronies ^_^ Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes by FiMFlamFilosophy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AbtCTbSWTk

                              Saturday, 05-Nov-11 00:55:04 UTC from web
                              • !houstonbronies For everyone who hasn't yet joined, Houston Bronies has a facebook page now: http://www.facebook.com/groups/279686455387401/

                                Monday, 31-Oct-11 12:26:45 UTC from web
                                • !houstonbronies ^_^ It works! I got out of work a bit early today. I'm already here in Galveston staying at the Holiday Inn Resort. Anyone else staying Holiday Inn? In anticipation of the convention starting tomorrow, I'll be watching Hellsing & Outlaw Star tonight! The convention, I think opens at 9 or 10 tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see what the dealers room has to offer...and I'm hoping artist alley has a custom pony or at least some pony art! Rainbow Dash has something to say....RD, what are your thoughts on Oni Con this year? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8JCX9E0bEI

                                  Thursday, 27-Oct-11 21:18:24 UTC from web
                                  • Show all 9 replies
                                  • @cypresswolf !houstonbronies What a weekend! I'm tired, I'm hungover, I'm still awake from getting only 4 hours of sleep since 3 AM saturday morning (don't ask how I got home) and I have at least a weeks worth of new anime to watch >^_^< Lets see if I can remember what I did last night....My cousin David & his family came to the convention, strolled through the dealers room for about 30 minutes, then went to the "How the hell did I get here" panel with...hell I don't remember, I can't find saturday's schedule, anyways, following that we hit Samuri Dan's samurai sword panel. That was cool. At about 5 my parents & Grandma came in to hang out. My Grandma's birthday is tomorrow so we celebrated it last night by going out to eat at Pier 22 - Fisherman's Warf. Great food there, has an old pirate ship on the harbor side moored to the dock. My parents & Grandma went home after that while David's Family & I hit the ghost tour. That lasted til 9:30 and we drove back to the hotel by 10...

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 00:30:36 UTC in context
                                  • @cypresswolf !houstonbronies David decided to head back after that as it was getting late, so I hit the convention again, wandering around until the unscensored voice actor panel started. Funniest damn thing, I won't tell ya'll what was spoken of, but for my fellow bronies over 18, come find me Oni-Con next year & and we'll hit that panel together ;). By 1 am, the alcohol and sugar rush was wearing off so I couldn't stay up for the other midnight panels. Found my way back to the hotel by 2 and woke up about 7, started packing up while getting calls from a coworker, Hugo & his son heading down to check out the convention. I checked out by 10:30 and headed up to the con to show them around, get their badges and hit the dealers room one last time for anything I may have missed. I couldn't find Saber Marionette so I decided to leave while I still had energy to do so. Damn near fell asleep at the wheel a couple of times...not sure why I'm still awake now...Sleep sounds fantastic!

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 00:39:21 UTC in context
                                  • @cypresswolf !houstonbronies I missed the brony meetup on friday, please someone, tell me what that was like...also if anyone was at the Halloween Brony Spectacular, as I didn't get get there until the tail end of it, what did I miss?

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 00:46:54 UTC in context
                                • !houstonbronies how you been sorry being the admin for this group and not posting much sorry ^^; Been in Japan and enjoying my time and I heard that the Oni Con meeting was AWESOME. I cant wait to get back and meet all my fellow bronies back in H-TOWN

                                  Sunday, 30-Oct-11 12:08:12 UTC from web
                                  • !HoustonBronies Whoo the Oni Con meet up was a success!!! It was so awesome!!!!

                                    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 02:53:02 UTC from web
                                    • !houstonbronies Kingwood bronie reporting in

                                      Friday, 28-Oct-11 03:41:13 UTC from web
                                      • !houstonbronies anypony from Kingwood interested in drafting up a meet up in Kingwood and surrounding places? (Humble, Atascocita, Porter so on so on)

                                        Friday, 28-Oct-11 02:05:40 UTC from web
                                        • !houstonbronies My final post before leaving for oni con. Lets see...I'll post again once I set up in my hotel room later tonight. I should have net access from the hotel room...I hope I do. For those attending, keep checking back, I'll post my itenerary throughout the weekend so if you want to meet up and hang out a bit, ya'll can find me. Saturday night, I got some family coming in for a ghost tour, I'll post that address and their details on saturday. I think that's everything for now. I'll pack the computer as soon as I get off work and head out. Later, Ya'll!

                                          Thursday, 27-Oct-11 11:37:04 UTC from web
                                          • !houstonbronies Whatsup Houston bronies?

                                            Thursday, 27-Oct-11 04:17:24 UTC from web
                                          • !houstonbronies I'm heading for Oni Con tomorrow afternoon as soon as I get off of work. I'll be there all weekend. What do you need help with?

                                            Thursday, 27-Oct-11 02:25:30 UTC from web