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A list of the users in this group.
n30 Neo Beats Canterlot, Equestria
HEY! Do to me being stupid, and getting into stuff that I shouldn't get into, I have.... Um became a mare.... with everything included.... ._. I'm eager go to the spa now.... Hey I'm Neo but my stage name N30, I am a dj, all you need to know. I grew up in Manehatten before moving to Canterlot and becoming a DJ, and that's where I met Ink spell <3, my soon to be wife. Sleepy <3 is my older Sister, and Melody is my younger Sister. Scoots, and Electro Light are my little brothers. Limitless is my father. My sissy Sleepy Was my best friend as a child and it remands to this day <3 Hey to all my loyal fans out there, THANKS FOR COMING TO MY SHOWS :3 and to my Son Icy Chill... Dear gawd you are a let down to the family name (ﺧ益ﺨ) Some of my favorite stuff to do is, draw, make music and hang out with my friends... I also like learning different langs then talking in then to others so far I'm up to 4 different langs... my 2 favorite shows are My little pony and Soul eater :3 it is so much gusta I love to RP and stuff. I would do any RP you ask me to do, i am a very good Rper. if you want to find me on steam, you could join my group, DoubleRainbowSyndrome, you can reach me there, if i'm not on here.
cobaltduskbrony Rey Reyes United States
I'm a 16 yr old Colt with a huge obsession for everything Pinkie Pie [She's Best Pony in my opinion] I'm also a gamer on xbox so if you want to play send me an invite sometime [My GamerTag is CobaltDuskBrony as well] I've been a Brony since April 2011 and I've never looked back! Also I hope to make some cool Brony friends that are 20% cooler than my non-Brony friends XD
christhebrony Christopher John Taylor Canada
Hmm, I am a Brony.. (Obviously) I love Fluttershy.. Uhh... My faveorite background ponys is Derpy and Lyra.. Uhh I am Canadian, eh.. Uhh... Stuff..? :33
averys Avery http://www.financefo.info/
Thank you for visiting my profile page. I am looking forward that we could share our interests and stories here.
dezzierose dezzie again The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell http://high-metafive.tumblr.com
I was on here when I was like 12. hey again its me
liquidusmira Solidus Sans Donkey Kong Country
sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese
egg I am an idiot I fell down the stairs one too many times.
My intelligence falls outside the range of human standards
stumperman Stumperman Admin United States of da mericans
Sup I'm a random dude who's not a brony anymore but only here cause friends