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Artists of Equestria

Artists of Equestria



This group is an artist's group. Post your drawings, songs, sculptures, ect. Here!

artistsofequestria group members

A list of the users in this group.

  • Daniel Garcia tommewolf Daniel Garcia Westmont, IL, USA

    ... Musician? I guess... hehehe hehehe nah! I'm from Guatemala, my age is 22 years old... I start watching MLP:FiM in 2012 thanks to a anime community in Facebook... and suddenly! I was trapped by the story and large ponies attacks I found everywhere... EVEN IN MY METAL PAGES!!! anyway... Hope to meet somepony to talk and maybe meetup to take some coffee (or some beers)... ;)

  • JW ponylarity JW Canada
  • Erik Boismier erboi Erik Boismier Canada

    Digital artist and animation graduate. Grew up in Ontario now living in Vancouver, BC.

  • Anthony M. Pesola Jr. kittiefork9 Anthony M. Pesola Jr. Arlington Heights, IL United States of America

    I was first introduced to MLP:FiM by my baby sister when she was 1. I began watching season one with her, and fell in love with the show ever since. She and I are true Chicago Bronies. I'm a musician and an artist, and I love doing role play. Do as you will, as long as you harm none!

  • Jasmine xxjasminefireshyxx Jasmine United States

    I'm a quiet person and I like Playing and Writing Music, Writing stories, making Drawings and artwork, and watching movies. I see the world differently than others and I like it that way. I'm shy and I feel connected to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I play Guitar, Video Games, and Usually go for a jog or bicycle ride every now and then. I'm interested in learning a lot about computers and cars, and a lot of other cool stuff. I like fantasy/sci-fi, steampunk, Action/adventure, western, and Post-apocalyptic books and movies. I like asian food. I want to travel the world sometime.

  • James Stuart drdiscord James Stuart
  • iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy Rockford, Illinois

    Im Darren, I am 15. I am a Sophmore. I love meeting new people but am also shy about it. I feel like im the only brony in the Rockford area so im hoping to make new friends, join events, and share the magic of friendship. My pony name is Mixtape. I love my 2004 Hyundai Elantra. I am into (other than mlp) graphic design, video creating, music, Dj ing, swimming, Visiting nearby Chicago, and watching TV. I am also on the Playstation 3 Network. PSN User: IcRaShAoT PS, Fluttershy Rockz

  • Taylor turkthedragon Taylor Marysville, Ohio

    About me? Imma 17 year old guy whose real into music, especially the band Radiohead. I also attempt to write music. I'm also somewhat of a video game and computer nerd. As for my favorite pony, I would say...Futtershy? I'm realitively new to being a brony, so I still have much to learn :)

  • Crash lightningcrash Crash Hamilton, Ohio

    A lone pony trots along an empty dusty road. His wings furled back against his sides, he pushes on as the wind whips dirt into his face. He quests for two things: his purpose in life and a pony to share his heart with.

  • Jake shinespark Jake AL, US

    Im a geeky 21 year old brony. I like video games, technology, and staying sane.

  • Chibi Trotson chibithepony Chibi Trotson broken arrow ok

    i am a brony based in broken arrow oklahoma and i will add links to my storys and art to this page i write fan fictions with my friends and usualy the primary artist as well

  • brandon thompson rainboom117 brandon thompson broken arrow oklahoma USA

    I'm 16. I have seen all my little pony friendship is magic episodes. you can say im a huge fan because I am!!!! I lik to play video game and talk. i play halo too. i have to much free time. my little pony was the best thing that happened in my live. it has made me a better friend and made me happy for once in my life. last thing that made me happy was 10 yr ago. thank you my little pony for making me happy again. :) XBOX gamertag is BronySpartan250

  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • windstorm windstorm

    Art and literature lover with a possibly unhealthy obsession with music. Fan of anything cute, make-up and anything splashed with colors, rabid MLP:FiM fan. I'm pretty friendly but a bit shy as well.

  • John thehipsterpony John Georgia
  • Journey Ocean James May lebrony Journey Ocean James May Canada

    I like mlp, videogames, youtube, and more

  • dezzie again dezzierose dezzie again The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell

    I was on here when I was like 12. hey again its me

  • percussionistponyfied percussionistponyfied America

    I'm just another brony. I enjoy prog rock, music, Star Trek, and Homestuck. My favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle. My Pesterchum chumhandle is percussionistPonyfied I occasionally make fan music.

  • Brandon Forth blues4th Brandon Forth Liberty MO

    Hi! Welcome to my Home Page! I am 19 and I love Rainbow Dash!!. I am an Eagle Scout, a artist, and good with animals. I am currently in the US Army, training to launch Patriot missiles

  • Stupid Butt drildo Stupid Butt Unknown

    I'm a student pilot, car enthusiast, a musician, amateur voice actor, and overall fun guy. Not much else to say.

  • Fred rainbowdash465 Fred Admin Hibbing,MN

    MLP lover all around, have lots of merch, happy to be a brony and proud. B4L