MLP lover all around, have lots of merch, happy to be a brony and proud. B4L
More details...Fred (rainbowdash465)
!mnbronies I think im the only one on the iron range here.
!mnbronies Also, is anypony going to the bronypants meet this sat?
Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 16:48:27 UTC from web -
!mnbronies so, did we decide what the OC's names are?
Wednesday, 12-Sep-12 16:47:41 UTC from web -
@eaglehooves I have a boat anchor in my room, but it doesnt have an internal battery. Its also from 2003.
@eaglehooves LOL
@redenchilada What brand?
@eaglehooves Im getting the asus. It's about 500$, and ive already got a Rainbow DSash sticker to slap on it as soon as its out of the box. I also need it to be able to write my reports and stuff for schoool,
@doates Thats whiy im going for the asus. Light, affordable, and kickass at gaming.
@doates They are, the cheapest used laptop i found on ebay was more expensive than the new mac desktop the schools have. And theyre like 3k.
@doates That's why im getting an alienware or an asus.
@omni Agreed, apple's computers are nothing compared to PC's at the moment. They cnat run TF2 worth a buck, but i still play it. Two hours and i play one round before i have to get off because of the load times. ON LOWEST SETTINGS. Ipods and such are still great, though. Im getting a PC for my first laptop, an Asus, to be exact.
@doates Thanks, i agree with the computers, theyre ok, but im getting a pc for my first computer. seem to run TF2 better than macs. And as for Siri's answer, it's going up with a screenshot ASAP.
@eqdpony I got all four of em from Walmart for free about two weeks ago. Theye awesome, and now my room is 20% cooler.
Sup guise? Been a while. Ive been getting into the music industry now, and my first gig is at the next bronypants event in Minneapolis, ill be playing with DJ flutters~... Im meeting her this saturday at the MoA. In other news, Apple reveals the iphone 5 today. Looks like theres gonna be a lot more ponies for that! Theyre also revealing iOS6, which i will be getting on my new ipod as soon as the thing launches. WOOT! First thing im gonna ask siri is what she thinks about bronies! :3
my day has been horrid. First, my brand new pony shades of two days SNAPPED. Second, my ipod was taken away because i swore on teh interwebz. Then, we ran into an armed officer. :'(
@mrconvertix I agree. My brother was a pilot, one of the best, too.
Thursday, 19-Jul-12 01:27:24 UTC from web -
Sup guys? Finally got me emac running on teh internet! WOOT
Thursday, 19-Jul-12 01:23:12 UTC from web -
hey guys not on for long, got THUG with Dave, my brony friend, as well as season one for free from Pirates bay. YO HO YO HO A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME!
Tuesday, 29-May-12 13:50:29 UTC from web -
@shadowflame i swear you must be from the FB group. Which one are you?!
@derpyshy yes, maybe! he actually live very close to me, he is a minnesotan!
@elitebrony69 FAIL! ive done that before, so i feel your pain, bro.
Monday, 21-May-12 13:53:17 UTC from web -
I got ahold of EFR's very own FinalDraft! OMYGOSHOMYGOSHOMYGOSH! i asked him if maybe we could do an interview or something, and he said maybe! OMG!
I made a podcast and i posted it on itunes, want y'all to listen to it. Go to itunes and search djd4rksky
Friday, 04-May-12 18:19:22 UTC from web -
QOTD: Which pony would you want to turn into and why?
thanks for the support
Friday, 04-May-12 18:16:06 UTC from web -
Please pray to celestia for my dad guys, he is really sick. FYI the heart attack he had only one percent of people survive it.
my dads back in the hospital for heart issues for the third time this year. He had a massive heart attack last year. Please keep him in you hearts and prayers, eveypony
Listening to "Pony Swag". Freaking great song. If you want it, go to iTunes and search up bronyville and find the bronyville lineup hour. There's a cherrieston of sick music there
@princessrainbowdash hai
Thursday, 19-Apr-12 03:17:06 UTC from web -
Who here is a serviceman or planning to become a serviceman in the military? I'm going to train to be a sniper. I've already started training unofficially in the back yard with my .270 and watermelon.