Group actions

That group where everyone does the same thing for a day, then gets bored.
Bandwagon (bandwagon) group
Oh yeah. The Leafs won tonight. Woopie. #bandwagon #likeshockeywhenhometeamiswinning
Monday, 13-May-13 03:41:02 UTC from web -
@minti <-- the guild I was mentioning on TERA. xD
Monday, 06-May-13 23:51:24 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg Mmhm, that's the one thing that bothers me about Elins. xD
@minti Nah, not really. From here only Rarity and Derpyshy joined, and Rarity fell behind level wise, and Derpyshy made an Elind.
@minti XD I think they're adorable, to be honest. But... not everyone stays at that boundary. :p
!bandwagon for anyone who cares.
Monday, 06-May-13 22:03:48 UTC from web-
@minti AKA every single group everyone ever makes :c
@redenchilada Yep. Nerd.