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Game Developer Bronies

Game Developer Bronies

!bronydevs bronydev gamedev ponydev

Equestria, Hyrule

Fans of MLP who decided to make games about little horsies or something else.

bronydevs group members

A list of the users in this group.

  • Eduardo taquizas Eduardo México

    ¡Hola a todos los amantes de la buena comida! ???? Soy Eduardo, el ojo detrás de la cámara y un apasionado fotógrafo especializado en taquizas para eventos. ???? Mi misión es llevar la esencia y el sabor de cada taco directamente a sus pantallas, ¡y claro, hacer que su apetito se despierte con solo ver mis fotos! Como un verdadero entusiasta de la cocina, he perfeccionado el arte de capturar la autenticidad de cada taquito, desde los colores vibrantes hasta las texturas irresistibles. Mi especialidad va más allá de la típica sesión fotográfica; se trata de compartir la alegría y el placer que provoca cada bocado. Con una trayectoria de colaboraciones con talentosos chefs y eventos de taquizas, he aprendido a entender la magia que se encuentra detrás de cada platillo. Mis fotos no solo son imágenes estáticas; son historias visuales que cuentan el viaje desde la preparación hasta el deleite final.

  • motew motew79971 motew

    I am motew. I am living in Canada. I am working as HR.

  • Govind Sekhon govindsekh88 Govind Sekhon Bangalore

    VapourIndia is Top online shop for Electronic Cigarattes, eCigs, JUUL Kit, eJuice & Flaour e-Liquids etc at lower price in India. Free Delivery.

  • Mid midn Mid The Worse World

    Wanted to move from the likes of FB or Twitter, and my stubborn tastes in culture led me here. I *might* move to my own GNU Social provider in the future, if ends up being too restrictive for me.

  • Albart Aloy mobiersltd Albart Aloy Detroit, MI

    Albart Aloy is working with a well-reputed iOS application development company, Mobiers Ltd, which offers iPhone application development and a gamut of other IT services. Over the years of experience, he has gained expertise in iOS development loves to dig into the various iOS trends taking place in the industry.

  • rachel gilmare rachelgilmare rachel gilmare United States

    Knowing how to prevent leakages can make a big difference in how easily (or even whether or not) you conceptualize when the finally ready.

  • Dabmanz Gamez gamersmate Dabmanz Gamez Australia
  • Zaco Win citylondonescorts Zaco Win London

    City London Escorts provide hot and beautiful escorts for dinner dates and business meets.

  • Pursiy Me7Seven pursiyme7seven Pursiy Me7Seven Cyberspace

    I'm singularsona...

  • Yotes tonyyotes Yotes Admin Orlando, Florida

    During my freshman year at college I taught myself the magical art of mobile game development and started making games to build the experience I needed in order to make my dream games a reality. Starting an Indie Dev career in college so there's no need to be a starving artist. I'm currently making a Pokemon-style game called Battle Gem Ponies with the Unity Engine.