Group actions

!hearthstone hearth hst
The Inn
The RDN Hearthstone group! If you play it and want to share stuff about the game, come closer by the hearth. It's warmer here.
Hearthstonies (hearthstone) group
I'm against @pony on !hearthstone
Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 15:08:20 UTC from web -
Hunters everywhere... It really is April FOOLS Day. !hearthstone
Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 14:18:20 UTC from web -
Best !heartstone arena so far!!
Saturday, 24-Jan-15 01:20:01 UTC from web-
@coltz !hearthstone you idiot
@coltz A true master at work
@skyllie *tips mage hat*
Playing some !hearthstone arena! It's going to be a BLAST !stream, 21-Jan-15 03:44:15 UTC from web -
9 wins in the !hearthstone arena and counting! batcave yeah
Tuesday, 20-Jan-15 05:30:43 UTC from web-
@rarity Highest I've gotten is 5. Way back when I had more time to play. What's your nickname? I could add you if you want.
@coltz if you're on EU it's Rarity#2630, my NA account has nothing sadly
@rarity Oh yeah, I forgot EU was in a different server. Nevermind then :/
Gonna do some !hearthstone test streaming! Come watch me if you want and to help me set this grape. !stream, 20-Jan-15 03:42:48 UTC from web -
I used to hate Priest. Now it's my best class. !hearthstone
Wednesday, 14-Jan-15 23:00:52 UTC from web-
@coutz That's exactly how I feel about Druid.
Hey guys I made a !hearthstone group. Feel free to join and share your decks and strategies and funny printscreens. Peace.
Friday, 26-Dec-14 00:43:26 UTC from web