NEVEEEEER....unless you ask nicely...
http://www.youtube.com/user/bigtimebrony?feature=mheethis page is for all the bronie who love being a brony lol
A list of the users in this group.
I do play Xbox as well as ps3 and I've been in the herd for about 4 months if any ?s ask me
I love my little pony with a deep burning passion in my soul. I hate Twilight Sparkles because she treats Pinkie Pie like crap. I am just like Pinkie Pie. Legit. It's crazy how much we have in common! I get picked on everyday in school bcuz i dress in tutus and have teal hair.
I was first introduced to MLP:FiM by my baby sister when she was 1. I began watching season one with her, and fell in love with the show ever since. She and I are true Chicago Bronies. I'm a musician and an artist, and I love doing role play. Do as you will, as long as you harm none!
I am an otaku, brony, a fan of all kinds of video games and musical genres, a dancer, and a straight male that does well in school.
I'm a newbie bronie n stuff :P I'm quite into the show but in the line of merchandise, I have absolutely nothing yet. And the first thing on my list is a T-shirt... and yeah I love Techno and Dubstep music and I am a Proud Scot who is a Proud Brony :D
Loves to play video games and is also somewhat of an artist with a pencil. Wants a copy of watch dogs, battlefield 4 and last of us when they come out. Brony on
I'm interested in video games and computers really. (Sorry about the lack of description.)
Am a brony looking to talk to other bronies my age. Into multiple games for computer, and I love to hang out.
I like writing and am an aspiring film writer and director
Rarity is best pony. I hate applejack. http://youtu.be/94v4r1kX9bs http://www.youtube.com/user/badassnerd94/videos?flow=grid&view=0 http://www.facebook.com/IWillForeverBeAGeek