Kyle James (rainbowhurricane)
- Oh Wikipedia
Plus, if you make friends they are far more likely to become bronies too
@rainbowhurricane Like I said, best make friends, for it has far better outcomes than adding another enemy.
@dashie1021 Become friends with them?
@dashie1021 all I gotta say is: Haters gonna Hate. #brony #mlpfim
"The #1 responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow. This is of greater importance than working on changing the government; that is secondary to promoting a virtuous society. If we can achieve this, then the government will change." - Ron Paul
"If it's not accepted that big government, fiat money, ignoring liberty, central economic planning, welfarism, and warfarism caused our crisis we can expect a continuous and dangerous march toward corporatism and even fascism with even more loss of our liberties." - Ron Paul
Internet explorer.... Bleh
Yay! new layout! :D
Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 17:17:16 UTC from web -
Anyone gonna watch the new Dan Vs.?
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 20:55:42 UTC from web -
@greenenchilada Sorry if i may have sounded like a uneducated internet troll.
@greenenchilada Hey,thats just my opinion on Pewdiepie :P
@greenenchilada Not really,not a big fan of his videos
Alright it's back now.
Thursday, 15-Nov-12 21:27:45 UTC from web -
@yodelerty Back for me too!
@ceruleanspark Something is technically wrong. Thanks for noticing—we're going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.
@mushi Step 1: Explain concept of YOLO to idiots. Step 2: Idiots do stupid things in the name of YOLO and die. Step 3: Watch the world become a better place.
Twitter's down! >.<
why are people obsessed with kissing cheeks when we meet someone?
If in doubt, throw your wife.
@redenchilada But when you play Sonic 06,its like that game was the devil itself that cursed the Sonic franchise forever and made Sonic R look fun :P
@zeldatra I thought that's what instagram did, turn whatever you snapped into a crappy pic of food.
@derpy128 Only some. There are other countries that don't allow guns and that makes criminals the only armed group. It's a double edged sword. I personally like to be able to fill thieves with lead.
@pony I'm ok with carrying licences, though, so idiots can't carry them around.
@gladosenchilada We've discussed this time and time again.
@mushi just forget I said anything. derp
Wednesday, 14-Nov-12 00:16:02 UTC from web -
@mushi No guns? That's even worse than here.
@mushi K