Group actions

This group is for all you Teens out there from 13 - 18. This group unofficially owns the hashtag #Teenagebrohoof . Doesn't matter if your British, Japanese, Canadian, or American this is for the Teens of RDN!
Teenage Bronies (tbronies) group
!tbronies sup
Tuesday, 25-Sep-12 05:16:20 UTC from web -
!tbronies I love this group and this Site!
Tuesday, 18-Sep-12 00:40:53 UTC from web-
@redhelper Hello, welcome to the craziest place on the Internet. We're all a bunch of loons.
dezzie again likes this.
!tbronies a group for us teens! yay!
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:17:45 UTC from web-
@abigpony at least it means alot of ponies will join.
@iluvzfluttershy not exactly.
@abigpony meh,i dont care