!tbronies a group for us teens! yay!
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:17:45 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy This whole site is pretty much a group for teenage bronies
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:18:03 UTC from web-
@abigpony alot of 20 year olds
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:19:36 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy I'm saying the large majority of people on here are teens. Also, I see no "20-something bronies." group.
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:20:21 UTC from web-
@abigpony at least it means alot of ponies will join.
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:22:02 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy not exactly.
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:23:00 UTC from web-
@abigpony meh,i dont care
Thursday, 02-Aug-12 00:23:34 UTC from web