Group actions

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!)

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!)

!ottawabronies bronyottawa capitalbronies ottawabronys

Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa Bronies (Pony up in the Nation's Capital!)

Ottawa Bronies (Nation's Capital!) (ottawabronies) group, page 8


  1. !ottawabronies Can't wait guys! Even though I haven't really ever been out for cider before (heh) but there's no better time than with fellow bronies! It'll be my first time at Lazerquest too. Can't wait to see everypony there! :D

    Monday, 20-Feb-12 18:51:27 UTC from web
    • !ottawabronies Delicious nurturing cider(beer!). Bringing ponies together.

      Monday, 20-Feb-12 17:12:15 UTC from web
      • !ottawabronies @minti Welcome aboard, mate! You should definitely think about it. Heck, I'll be coming down from Montreal just for this. If you're that put off by the whole laser quest concept, maybe you can join us for a few pints after? I know I can't wait to finally meet all of you.

        Monday, 20-Feb-12 05:19:03 UTC from web
        • !ottawabronies 50th member.

          Sunday, 19-Feb-12 21:39:12 UTC from web
        • !ottawabronies Nice!

          Monday, 20-Feb-12 02:12:33 UTC from web
          • !ottawabronies 50 people? No way! Someone's got to bring a camera so we can show the community (EqD's, at least) how we do this.

            Sunday, 19-Feb-12 17:34:36 UTC from web
            • !ottawabronies still counting the days till the meet up

              Saturday, 18-Feb-12 05:31:35 UTC from web
              • !ottawabronies @shinoda Hi there, welcome to our cave! :D

                Saturday, 18-Feb-12 03:41:56 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies hey i was at the G-anime meet up with my brother who you may know as @coldshoulder here on Rainbowdash network . HI COLD . i have decided to make an account here as well. i am not big on going on the net. so i will not be on very often but i will take a peek once in a while.

                  Friday, 17-Feb-12 23:30:39 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies Buck Yeah! a group for Bronies in ottawa! Hey guys! Should I introduce myself or something?

                  Friday, 17-Feb-12 19:49:26 UTC from web
                • !ottawabronies @shinoda welcome to the ottawabonies. ^ ^ I dont think you have to introduce yourself . . . I never did lol. but if you feel as though that is what you want to do im all for it.

                  Friday, 17-Feb-12 20:50:48 UTC from web
                  • !ottawabronies that livestream was a laugh and a half, thanks again to those who went and checked it out. I sure feel a lot more prepared for my Molestia *ahem* Celestia voice. Oh and btw @coldshoulder t'was nice to see you in the chat! *brohoof*

                    Friday, 17-Feb-12 06:48:58 UTC from web
                  • !ottawabronies @memj, damn night-shifts. I'll have to try and catch it next time around. Sounds interesting!

                    Friday, 17-Feb-12 06:34:46 UTC from web
                  • !ottawabronies aw thanks guys. It's winding down now; it was really active beforehand. We MIGHT be holding another livestream Saturday evening, but I don't know for sure.

                    Friday, 17-Feb-12 04:50:09 UTC from web
                  • @memj !ottawabronies i will try to take a peek if it is still going. @fastsquirrel i think it has been agreed upon that it will take place on march 10th but i can not say fore sure. as far as i know there is no event page. i also have no idea if we are going to Liam Maguire's after. as for your last question pinkie pie and scootaloo are the best ponies to me at least.

                    Friday, 17-Feb-12 04:41:32 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies hey... psst.... guys. I don't know if you'll get this in time, but I'm part of the cast of Project Saturation (fan-animation movie thing, it's awesome stuff) and we're doing a live-stream tonight. We're online here: If you want to drop by and visit, we'd love to have you! I'm Celestia btw. I hate to self-promote, but really, we'd love visitors. :)

                      Friday, 17-Feb-12 01:08:22 UTC from web
                    • !ottawabronies @fastsquirrel "The time day"? Man... I must be really tired.

                      Thursday, 16-Feb-12 23:12:50 UTC from web
                      • !ottawabronies The time day is closing in fast, guys. Do we have a set date and schedule yet? Is there a Facebook event page up and running? Are you still planning on dropping by Liam Maguire's after? Is Rarity best pony? So many questions!

                        Thursday, 16-Feb-12 23:11:56 UTC from web
                        • <--- is hoping to buy a luna plush from the pony who is making them !ottawabronies thx

                          Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 16:51:58 UTC from web
                        • so !ottawabronies whats the best part of are city me i think it the war musium

                          Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 16:50:12 UTC from web
                          • lol found a way around the youtube block

                            Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 16:39:51 UTC from web
                          • !ottawabronies @cakewalk I think that might be G2, actually. I don't think G3 aired until the early 2000s. Although I admit I'm not entirely history-savvy either. :P Still, very cool! Vintage ponies.

                            Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 02:47:36 UTC from web
                          • !ottawabronies Well well, look what I found in my basement... an old MLP game from 1998. I remember playing it many years ago but had no idea that it was still in the house, and in very good condition, complete with manual. I'm thinking I may do a video review of it once I have a bit more free time :) Anypony know what generation it looks like? 1998, so I'm guessing G3... I don't have enough historical knowledge to say for sure though. (looking at you, @nightbreak ;) )

                            Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 02:33:57 UTC from web
                          • cant wait till the lazer quest meet up !ottawabronies rdn thx

                            Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 04:23:42 UTC from web
                            • #

                              Monday, 13-Feb-12 22:42:58 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies @cakewalk no problem ^ ^ one thing about being a grimdark brony is that you always should have something on back up to make you feel better. Just in case the fic you decided to read is darker then you expected.

                              Monday, 13-Feb-12 19:18:17 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies im going to place dorleans on friday if any pony wanna chill hit me up :)

                              Monday, 13-Feb-12 16:28:29 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies @cakewalk GO WATCH RAINBOW DASH PRESENTS : CAPTAIN HOOK THE BIKER GORILLA ! ! ! believe me after reading rainbow factory that video made me unable to think about that fan fic without laughing my arss off . here is a link to it

                              Monday, 13-Feb-12 04:33:26 UTC from web
                            • !ottawabronies hey do any of you have an account over on the Game Summit forums? if so my user name is sinthes. p.s. Game Summit forums is not a brony site. its a site mainly for Ottawa locals who play warhammer and other table top war games.

                              Monday, 13-Feb-12 08:37:22 UTC from web
                              • !ottawabronies Ugh... bored studying for math test, so I decided to read Rainbow Factory... *shivers* When will I learn that I'm not good with alot of grimdark stories >.<

                                Sunday, 12-Feb-12 17:57:54 UTC from web