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Just Cause 2 and JC2MP

Just Cause 2 and JC2MP

!panauponies jc2mp justcause2

Panau International Airport

Players of Just Cause 2 (and the JC2MP mod).

Just Cause 2 and JC2MP (panauponies) group


  1. I have every little script I need for my server, but can't find the faction one.

    Thursday, 19-Dec-13 03:45:36 UTC from web
  2. !jc2mp is RELEASED. If you already have it and want to set up a server, go to the Tools category of your Steam library.

    Monday, 16-Dec-13 22:23:43 UTC from web
  3. !stream Gonna play some !JC2MP! # chat

    Sunday, 15-Dec-13 22:38:34 UTC from web
    • Who wants to see me stream some !jc2mp?

      Saturday, 14-Dec-13 23:28:51 UTC from web
      • Hey Panau Ponies! Good news: The last Just Cause 2 Multiplayer test is upon us! Quoth the [forum thread](,2889.0.html):

        "JC2-MP is coming to Steam. On release, you'll be able to download the client and server from Steam, just like a normal game. This means complete Steam integration, including joining on your friends and more:

        Of course, before we release, we need to ensure that 0.1.0 is rock-solid. This beta test will let us work out the final issues, and give everyone a chance to play in the biggest demonstration of chaos this year."

        Sunday, 01-Dec-13 23:24:38 UTC from web
      • !jc2mp this weekend, with the Faction Wars gamemode. Will be streaming

        Friday, 26-Jul-13 04:59:40 UTC from web
        • Finally uploading the Day 1 stream of last weekend's !JC2MP to YouTube

          Friday, 26-Jul-13 00:33:11 UTC from web
          • ... Here is a question that flabbergasts me... "How could I ever do without IrfanView ?" This is the first time I use it and it is beautiful :D

            Sunday, 21-Jul-13 10:50:22 UTC from web
          • Going to !stream more !jc2mp, alone today # My character is male and only wearing underwear and a bowtie so, just be wary of that if you join...

            Sunday, 21-Jul-13 01:22:56 UTC from web
            • Stream archive of my Day 1 of the !jc2mp weekend: # language, game footage starts at about 24:00 but stick around from about 12 minutes in for some pre-game chat

              Saturday, 20-Jul-13 11:17:51 UTC from web
              • The !jc2mp !stream is up, will kick in at about 10 or 5 minutes to 6PM. Unmute the stream for some music

                Saturday, 20-Jul-13 07:45:02 UTC from web
                • !panauponies The JC2MP launcher is available early. THE SERVER IS NOT AVAILABLE YET.

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 07:34:30 UTC from web
                  • !jc2mp stream in about half an hour.

                    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 07:18:28 UTC from web
                    • !panauponies New JC2MP test starting in 5h30m. I will (hopefully) be streaming then with the Deadbeats!

                      Saturday, 20-Jul-13 02:31:35 UTC from web
                      • Oh, apparently my script to post !jc2mp notices to the JC2MP group has stopped. So... there is a beta test going on this weekend! I will consider streaming it, and if you want to join me, the test is 48 hours long and takes place at the following times #

                        Friday, 28-Jun-13 00:35:16 UTC from web
                        • !jc2mp Twitter update!

                          Sunday, 09-Jun-13 09:33:59 UTC from mail
                          • !jc2mp Twitter update!

                            Thursday, 25-Apr-13 15:04:15 UTC from mail
                            • !jc2mp The test has been extended for a WEEK.

                              Monday, 22-Apr-13 06:54:46 UTC from web
                              • So far !jc2mp has consisted entirely of running around with friends saying "Where do we go"

                                Saturday, 20-Apr-13 09:37:44 UTC from web
                                • !panauponies Half an hour until showtime! If I'm in-game I will be in the faction 'simonsayslps'. Will use the password "meep". More details soon.

                                  Saturday, 20-Apr-13 07:31:54 UTC from web
                                  • !jc2mp Three and a half hours. Who's got Just Cause 2, who will be around then?

                                    Saturday, 20-Apr-13 04:31:51 UTC from web
                                    • !panauponies JUST CAUSE 2, THIS WEEKEND. WHO'S IN?

                                      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 13:28:12 UTC from web
                                      • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: JC2MP is still IN DEVELOPMENT - we're taking steps towards another test weekend/weekends followed by a release later."

                                        Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 03:04:27 UTC from mail
                                      • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: Pick up a copy of JC2 for only 3$! Just a reminder that you will need to own JC2 to play JC2-MP!"

                                        Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 01:04:09 UTC from mail
                                        • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: Please report any misleading ads in the following thread so we can have them removed!"

                                          Saturday, 16-Mar-13 17:49:43 UTC from mail
                                          • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: Check out the new website design, let us know what you think!"

                                            Saturday, 16-Mar-13 17:49:41 UTC from mail
                                          • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: @jjacobsson Thats after name-tags were disabled in races, at-least you can see the limos now!"

                                            Thursday, 21-Feb-13 15:04:29 UTC from mail
                                            • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: Resident stunt-man BenBuja with another hilarious video: Sums up the spirit of JC-MP pretty well, eh?"

                                              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 15:03:35 UTC from mail
                                              • !jc2mp "jc2mpdev: We have just hit 70,000 members! Thank you to each and every one of you!"

                                                Saturday, 16-Feb-13 08:49:00 UTC from mail
                                                • !jc2mp I've set up a script to pipe updates from to my account... so more JC2mp updates!

                                                  Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 02:47:14 UTC from web