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!ucf pegasusschool ucfbronies ucfbrony
Orlando, Florida you're a current, former, or prospective brony student for UCF, this group is for you. After all, our mascot/logo is a pegasus!
University of Central Florida (ucf) group
!ucf According to the Facebook group, we're in the process of getting our own UCF official club started! Check it out there, and details when they come =)
Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 19:26:50 UTC from web -
Hey there UCF bronies! Didn't know there were any here! Wassup! !ucf
Thursday, 01-Dec-11 07:03:32 UTC from web -
!ucf Wanting to attend school there within the next couple of years! Gotta finish Canadian college first :3
Monday, 28-Nov-11 10:18:48 UTC from web-
@thundershine !ucf Nice! Come on down and join us at the Pegasus school haha B) What are you planning on studying down here?
@killerkittykat Just saw that, and added it as the !ucf group homepage on here. Thanks =) (P.S. I'm bad with the whole tag concept, so hope everyone can forgive me if I end up deleting and reposting several times XD)
Monday, 07-Nov-11 18:46:45 UTC from web -
@flyingdash Well there is a UCF brony facebook page and I posted a link to the group you just started on there so hopefully the !ucf group will take off :)
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 18:25:11 UTC from web-
@killerkittykat I like cats. Your picture is not a cat.
!centralflbronies !ucf any UCF ponies here taking Sotero for genetics or Vajravelu for ethnobotany in the spring? I am-- so let me know!
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 13:12:48 UTC from web -
!ucf hello there everypony! nice meet u all. I'm a UCF grad school alum =)
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:58:29 UTC from web -
!centralflbronies !ucf I'll be getting into UCF next fall semester~ Hope to meet you all there, someday. x]
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:12:41 UTC from web-
@cloudy Hey, I studied Computer Science, too!
@takeshitakenji Nice :D What year are you in? And do you like it? ^^
@cloudy I graduated a couple years back, and have been working since.
!centralflbronies !ucf Hey guys! Decided to put together a UCF sub-group to help gather together people coming in, so if you're alumni, prospective, current student, or prospective, come join up!
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:24:56 UTC from web -
!centralflbronies Any UCF bronies present? I know you exist because I've seen an RD bumper sticker and and RD shirt as well. Anyways, I must say I am disappoint that we are the second largest university in America (not to mention our mascot is a pegasus), and I have yet to see anything showing up around campus. We gotta make this happen =P
Thursday, 20-Oct-11 04:41:37 UTC from web- aoiwejofiwe likes this.
@killerkittykat Puts me to shame, thats it. I hang up my hat. #exartist
@killerkittykat I am not. I really should eventually even if only for the sake of events and such, but meh :P
@flyingdash hah s'ok. I'm just excited that you go to UCF and I'd like to chat with you more.
!ucf UCF Bronies, Unite! Hoping to find some fellow students out there. And who knows? Maybe if this grows we can find something to do on campus sometime ;)
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:22:30 UTC from web