Group actions

!under21 haveacookie havesomejuice ponyunder21
We are ponies under 21. Raise your juiceboxes!
Ponies Under 21 (under21) group
Official foods of Restorantay RDN (that is it's name): !muffins !cider !pancakes !bacon !havesomejuice !haveacookie !caffiene correct me if I'm wrong. !promote this resturant!
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 02:56:07 UTC from web -
Evening sirs and madams. Could I get you some drinks to start, or would like a menu?
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 02:39:30 UTC from web -
Groups of mine: !promote, !papercraft, !under21, !princessanemi, !trekkieponies
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 00:55:30 UTC from web-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves maybe you should make a !solarempire group. I would join. I join all groups even slightly related to me /)^3^(\
@zimzap Already working on it.
@zimzap You have more groups than you do subscribers and subscriptions combined ...
Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 02:25:01 UTC from web
@dezzierose !haveacookie too!
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 23:46:24 UTC from web-
@zimzap *nom*
3 members in !under21 I'm so popular!
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 23:45:38 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 03:49:26 UTC from web
@dasourmacaraccoon !haveacookie !havesomejuice or ELSE
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 03:48:26 UTC from web -
@mushi silly, you can't run out of imaginary cookies !haveacookie
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 02:32:31 UTC from web-
@zimzap you are making me want to play furcadia now xD
Oops, I gave cookies to someone who didn't exist. @dasourmacaraccoon !haveacookie
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 02:28:49 UTC from web-
@zimzap that is a waste of cookies
@dasourmacaraccon !haveacookie
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 02:25:59 UTC from web