Tyler Christofferson (herpyderpyhooves)

  1. !bcbronies I know you all are probably sick of me and my suggestions by now, but here's another one anyway. I'm able to stop by Target on my way to Everfree Northwest, and am willing to try and collect some of the Target Exclusive Pony Sets for people. Respond here, on Facebook, or The Forums to let me know what you think and what you want: http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,506.0.html

    Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 07:47:36 UTC from web
  2. !bcbronies So as I was somewhat stupid about creating this topic, here's the new link to it in the new area: http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,499.0.html

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 06:32:35 UTC from web
  3. !bcbronies If anyone is interested and hasn't seen it elsewhere yet, Im doing a massive preorder for MLP: FiM: Royal Pony Wedding DVD. Here's the link to the Forums post, or simply let me know in a message here or in a comment in the Facebook group: http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,499.0.html

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 06:23:14 UTC from web in context
  4. !bcbronies Hey everypony. Here's the Facebook event page for my Drinking Night, now taking place on August 3 instead of August 4. http://www.facebook.com/events/395570357166886/

    Monday, 09-Jul-12 05:03:04 UTC from web
  5. Well, it seems I succeeded. In that case, have a link to the Facebook Page which I am using to help tell me exactly who is attending. (http://www.facebook.com/events/395570357166886/?notif_t=plan_user_joined)

    Sunday, 08-Jul-12 07:16:56 UTC from web
  6. Alright everypony. Never tried to put a link up here on RDN. Wish me luck as I try now. I'm attempting to post a link to the BCBronies Forum of my Pony Drinking Night BTW. (http://www.bcbronies.org/forum/index.php/topic,475.0.html)

    Sunday, 08-Jul-12 07:15:26 UTC from web in context

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