Iridescent Flame's home timeline


  1. David Tennant Posts Doctor Whoof and Rose on Facebook: David Tennant (best doctor) has tossed this image up over on his . For those that didn't pick up the reference, these two are straight up parodies of the duo in the arc before the current one of the long running Doctor Who series. Now we just need to get him to pull a Weird Al and join us for an episode in season 5! Make it happen DHX! >

    Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 00:41:33 UTC from Sethisto
    • Story: Out and About in the Equestrian Kingdom: [Adventure]Author: Midnight ShadowDescription: The future. The singularity has passed, and post-humanity is still here, and thriving. Artificial Intelligences rule the roost, but mankind in all its glorious forms has just begun to take its first steps into a wider, fuller, more dynamic and overall complicated reality.When a hostage situation and resultant 'net blackout causes >

      Tuesday, 04-Mar-14 00:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
      • Japan Time - Ponyville Confidential: Japan Time has rolled around once again, this time with a CMC episode!Check on after the break for this week's episode. >

        Monday, 03-Mar-14 22:21:33 UTC from Calpain
        • Equestria Girls 3 Listing on Amazon: Following the same trend as the last two books, a third installment of Equestria Girls has appeared on Amazon. This one clocks in at 240 pages total, with no image available yet for the teaser outside of the stock logo. Will it be a movie? Only time will tell I suppose! I'm still hoping for that actual pony movie. You can do it Hasbro, I have faith in you. >

          Monday, 03-Mar-14 22:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
          • Comic: Cheesy Breezies / Equestria's Stories Pt 4-5 / Twilight Time: Fluttershy is certainly adorable when she is in her element.Afternoon comics, click for full.Twitter: >

            Monday, 03-Mar-14 21:01:33 UTC from Calpain
            • Story: The Good, the Bad, and the Ponies: [Adventure]Author: Sharp SparkDescription: Out on the frontier, the only friend a pony can really trust is the gun in her hoof. Out where the land is wild and the buffalo roam, more than a few ponies have foregone scratching out a living on the farms or mines to seek riches and glory on the wrong side of the law. As a particularly mysterious and valuable cargo heads west on a long train jo >

              Monday, 03-Mar-14 20:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
              • The Background Music of It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: Glorious background music! We have a bunch of it for this episode, 14 in all.  I wonder if we will ever see an album covering this stuff in the future?Anyway, get them below! >

                Monday, 03-Mar-14 19:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
                • Abridged: My Little Pony: The Brony Edition Ep: 1 - The Princess of Canterlot Castle (Part 1): Time to corrupt ponies with yet another new abridged series project.  The Twilight Sparkle voice actress in this one rocks, so get to her before sending it to the moon.  Other than that, if you like Friendship is Witchcraft, you will probably like a good amount of this one.  Get it below! >

                  Monday, 03-Mar-14 18:11:34 UTC from Sethisto
                  • Poll Results: Should We See Age Progression in the Next Few Seasons?: I'm actually surprised this was so lopsided in the yes category. Generally in cartoons, the kids stay kids forever unless you end up with a spinoff series 10 years later with the cast as teenagers at highschool. That rarely ends well. I wonder if animation companies should start considering it a bit more?We have a new poll up! Who was the best breezie? Get >

                    Monday, 03-Mar-14 17:11:32 UTC from Sethisto
                    • It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - Analysis Compilation: Analyze EVERYTHING.  Now that the weekend hype has died down, what are all of your final impressions on the episode? Did you like the breezies?Head on down below the break and see who you agree with! Or just pick your favorite based on OC pony.  That's totally what I do. >

                      Monday, 03-Mar-14 14:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
                    • Nightly Roundup #: I promised some Derpy for tonight so why not some griffon Derpy! Isn't she adorable?Hope you guys had a great weekend! Now, what shall be the header for tomorrow night? Hang out in the comments and decide! >

                      Monday, 03-Mar-14 05:11:33 UTC from Calpain
                      • Music of the Day #: Sweetie Bot has built in speakers.  Best pony. Get some music of the day below! >

                        Monday, 03-Mar-14 04:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
                        • Writer's Training Grounds #: "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies": I dunno how many times I've used MysticAlpha's art for post headers by now, but I'm sure they don't mind the attention. Nice thing you did with the grass back there, boss!Sorry for missing the past two weeks, everyone! Let's give it up for Seth for covering my plot while I pretended my life was miserable (though it kinda was (but really wasn't)). Gonna try >

                          Monday, 03-Mar-14 03:01:33 UTC from CouchCrusader
                          • Comic: Equestria's Stories Pt 2 / Group Photos / Photo Finish / Drawing Things: Found this comic a little late for Derpy Day, but better late than never! Never change Derpy, never change.Comics again folks. Click for full!Twitter: >

                            Monday, 03-Mar-14 02:51:32 UTC from Calpain
                            • The "Find The Music In You" Remix/Cover Challenge: The Living Tombstone is venturing out of the creating scene and moving into the world of making other people be creative! An album project has been planned and you, the community, are the ones that will be submitting to it.  Head on down below the break for the video, and full description of the event. >

                              Monday, 03-Mar-14 01:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
                              • Giant Canterlot Made of Various Deserts: What do you do when you have an over-abundance of rice crispys, gingerbread, and graham crackers? You build Canterlot! CheeseInTheDark over on Deviant Art spent two months with three others crafting this giant sculpture of the city. I'm both impressed and afraid of the idea of food sitting out for two months!Full story over ! >

                                Monday, 03-Mar-14 00:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
                                • Drawfriend Stuff #: So, breezies are a thing.  We didn't get a very good look at their world, but it did seem sufficiently magical.  So is Equestria though! Which one would you want to live in?And get the art below! Breezie Spires >

                                  Sunday, 02-Mar-14 23:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
                                  • Plushie Compilation #: Philomena makes a great looking plush doesn't she? Too bad there isn't more of her out there.Plush time guys, check them out after the break!MLP PHILOMENA CUSTOM PLUSHIE >

                                    Sunday, 02-Mar-14 22:21:33 UTC from Calpain
                                    • Fallout Equestria Game Concept Art: The team over at Overmare Studios is trucking away on Fallout Equestria game for those that haven't been following them. The most recent update revealed a whole bunch of really neat looking concept art. Everything from buildings to bubble gum are included. Head on over to check it out! >

                                      Sunday, 02-Mar-14 21:11:32 UTC from Sethisto
                                      • "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies": Episode Followup: Fluttershy couldn't believe her luck. She'd always loved watching the Breezies and helping them travel across Equestria with their stories of pollen each year, but now her entire home was full of them! They'd be on their way again soon, of course, but for the time being, she couldn't have asked for a better surprise gift.As she leaned back against her couch and watched >

                                        Sunday, 02-Mar-14 19:11:33 UTC from Aquaman52
                                        • MLP Card Game Tournaments and Meetups - March 2nd Update: A bit of a delay on this one, I blame Trixie.  Have some upcoming MLP CCG tournaments!  Go be social! Live life to it's fullest, via a card game dedicated to cartoon equines.  And if you want to submit one, follow ! We will not accept any that do not use it. >

                                          Sunday, 02-Mar-14 18:41:32 UTC from Sethisto
                                          • Audio Play: Stories of the Teenage Cutie Episode 2 / Rise of the Lunar Republic / Princess Trixie Sparkle: Radio play time! Need something to listen to while working on something else? Need ponies with that? Well there you go! Get them below. 1.) Stories of the Teenage Cutie Mark Crusaders: Episode 2 - Cousin Applebrown Comes to Town 2.) Rise of the Lunar Republic: Season 1 Episode 1 - Sistertalk troubles 3.) Princess Tr >

                                            Sunday, 02-Mar-14 17:01:33 UTC from Sethisto
                                            • Comic: Total Eclipse / The Missing One / Equestria Stories / On the Other Hoof / Shcool Ruse / The Royal Secret: I do love to think that Luna likes to play pranks and such on Celestia as payback for the past 1000 years.Comics, click for full!Twitter: >

                                              Sunday, 02-Mar-14 15:01:34 UTC from Calpain
                                              • BUCK Tickets Go On Sale: BUCK tickets are now on sale! Check on after the break for all the details you need to purchase your own ticket. >

                                                Sunday, 02-Mar-14 14:11:33 UTC from Calpain
                                                • Series 3 MLP Trading Card Game Set Arriving this Summer: Good news for all you hardcore MLP CCG players out there. The third set is already planned for a summer release. Outside of that though, there isn't any information on it. Considering the 2nd set is still on the way, that isn't too surprising. Thanks to Luna Flaire for the heads up! >

                                                  Sunday, 02-Mar-14 08:51:32 UTC from Sethisto
                                                  • Nightly Roundup #: So Chrysalis and ghosts both were the most popular topics voted on last time so how about both at once! Isn't she adorable?Sorry for the late Roundup tonight! Just got back from the movies. Anyhow, catch the news after the break and also vote for tomorrow's header. >

                                                    Sunday, 02-Mar-14 08:41:34 UTC from Calpain
                                                    • Pinkie Pie Balloon Pet: Joining the molded and plushie lineup with their full sized pony counterparts, we have a new Pinkie Pie Balloon Pet. This one clocks in at 26x29 inches, which puts it at a relativlely big size. The only place she appears to be available is over at a site called Thanks to Ayu for the heads up! >

                                                      Sunday, 02-Mar-14 04:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
                                                      • BlackGryph0n & Baasik - Quest (This Can't Be All): Welp, Blackgryph0n and Baasik did it again. If you liked any of their other stuff, don't miss it. From the amount of emails we got, I don't think anyone is though! Get it down below. This stuff could so easily be on the radio and no one would ever know its pony music. >

                                                        Sunday, 02-Mar-14 02:51:32 UTC from Sethisto
                                                        • Comic: Long Time No See! / Species Changing Spell / Turbulent Message: Wow, it really has been a long time! BrainDPS, a comic maker that used to be featured on EqD quite a bit, has returned with a new comic. Good to see you again, Brain! Hope you keep it up buddy.Now for some more comics guys! Click for full!Twitter: >

                                                          Sunday, 02-Mar-14 02:11:33 UTC from Calpain
                                                          • PMV: My Little Changeling / Pinkie Pie - FUN (typography) / LAUGHTER - Kinetic Typography animation: I'm not sure what the call the first one. Vocal splicey PMV? YTPMVwithmorePMV? You got me! It's pretty neat though. And the other two are typography style! Get them all below. 1.) [PMV] My Little Changeling 2.) [PMV] Pinkie Pie - FUN (typography, motion graphics)3.) LAUGHTER - Kinetic Typography animation >

                                                            Sunday, 02-Mar-14 01:11:34 UTC from Sethisto