Notices tagged with 010

  1. @drachenlord Vlog des Drachen # Challenge Time via @YouTube

    Saturday, 13-Aug-16 19:12:11 UTC from in context
  2. Writer's Training Ground #: "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" - Entry Post: Another week, another episode, another topic, and more fanfiction to go with it! Breezies were pretty much an endless pool of ideas to work with, so how did you all take advantage of it? Head on down below the break for your usual fanfiction entries for last week's writing prompt(s)! >

    Saturday, 08-Mar-14 23:11:33 UTC from Sethisto
  3. Writer's Training Grounds #: "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies": I dunno how many times I've used MysticAlpha's art for post headers by now, but I'm sure they don't mind the attention. Nice thing you did with the grass back there, boss!Sorry for missing the past two weeks, everyone! Let's give it up for Seth for covering my plot while I pretended my life was miserable (though it kinda was (but really wasn't)). Gonna try >

    Monday, 03-Mar-14 03:01:33 UTC from CouchCrusader