Juan Garbanzo Bean (jgb)

  1. @neighvana665 eyup but i don't usually get to play the kind of music i really like (late 70's prog rock)

    Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 02:54:38 UTC from web in context
  2. @xxyyxx sorry! i wonder if he'd notice if you switched to wep... nah might get punched XP

    Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 02:48:47 UTC from web in context
  3. @xxyyxx yeah, it would probably take longer than a day to crack unless he used a really short password. wep is much easier to crack.

    Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 02:44:32 UTC from web in context
  4. @xxyyxx what kind of encryption does your wireless access point use? also, sleep is important ;)

    Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 02:36:26 UTC from web in context

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    1 Aug 2012
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