Notices by DJ Matty Matt in the Morning (kazidelta), page 3

  1. @herpaderp5408 Hey, I didn't see your post that you'd be late because I left for Triangle right when you posted. I stayed until 12:30, but nopony wearing pony pins showed up, so I left then, probably right when you guys showed up. Let me know when you guys are planning another meetup.

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 17:31:23 UTC from web in context
  2. @herpaderp5408 I'll be there! I'll try and remember to wear my black Valient Thorr shirt. But if I forget, I'm not hard to spot, just look for a guy with really long brown hair in a band shirt.

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 07:35:37 UTC from web in context

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