

  1. I know it's kinda short notice, but if any !raleighbronies are interested, 7/15 (tomorrow) at noon there will be an unofficial meet up (me and another local brony) at Triangle Town Center Mall. Look in the food court for two guys in a Pacman or solid red shirt. We'll be warring a Rainbow Dash and Rarity badges. We'll wait 'till about 12:30. Anypony nearby welcome!

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 05:37:09 UTC from web
    1. @herpaderp5408 If I was not busy today, I would meetup there.

      Friday, 15-Jul-11 07:03:16 UTC from web
    2. @herpaderp5408 I'll be there! I'll try and remember to wear my black Valient Thorr shirt. But if I forget, I'm not hard to spot, just look for a guy with really long brown hair in a band shirt.

      Friday, 15-Jul-11 07:35:37 UTC from web
    3. @herpaderp5408 I think I might just join you :D

      Friday, 15-Jul-11 09:51:16 UTC from web
    4. @herpaderp5408 I'm heading that direction, but I might not make it in time...

      Friday, 29-Jul-11 17:24:07 UTC from web