Notices by Woong Kwu Shim (mauretaniafluttered), page 4

  1. @yodelerty OH, Dear...

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:17:59 UTC from web in context
  2. @snowcone in korea, noobs like me always trolled by nerds...they call noobs "food of mine". LOL

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:17:30 UTC from web in context
  3. @snowcone I'm like 'food' thing...(you know what i ment.)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:14:54 UTC from web in context
  4. @yodelerty And Get Fat!(if this makes you feel bad, im sorry..)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:13:44 UTC from web in context
  5. @snowcone No, No... I'm like King of the noobs...

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:12:43 UTC from web in context
  6. @colfax Good evening(actually it's afternoon for me) to you!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:11:27 UTC from web in context
  7. @snowcone Whaaaaaaa...(understood...)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:10:29 UTC from web in context
  8. @snowcone oh, really?

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:09:21 UTC from web in context
  9. @rarity Oh. LOL. well, usually...we're kind of expert about games.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:08:42 UTC from web in context
  10. @snowcone We korean gamers are sooooooo good at 'natural' cheating!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:07:06 UTC from web in context
  11. @rarity Oh, no one's perfect, you see?

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:05:50 UTC from web in context
  12. @snowcone Yes, like team forterss 2 of Minecraft kind of..

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:05:21 UTC from web in context
  13. @rarity If we get serious(about games), WE HAVE NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:04:09 UTC from web in context
  14. @snowcone Oh, Of couse we're using same terms!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:02:46 UTC from web in context
  15. @rarity DOTA 2 is growing, v e r y s l o w l y .

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:01:58 UTC from web in context
  16. @scribus um...may be bot .....................................

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 03:01:02 UTC from web in context
  17. @snowcone well.....many things, Students like me plays on-line games.(LOL, or Starcraft...)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:59:28 UTC from web in context
  18. @vt3c oh, then no worries!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:57:47 UTC from web in context
  19. @snowcone oh....we, korean students, can't feel that kind of...good feeling?thing.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:56:35 UTC from web in context
  20. Here in Korea, If you got bad grades at the exam, parents like "WE'RE GOING TO KILL YOU"...horroble.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:55:02 UTC from web
  21. @snowcone Learning? I didn't expact that!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:52:53 UTC from web in context
  22. @vt3c I'm REALLY BAD at English...ㅠㅠ(and that's why koreans hate English!)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:51:29 UTC from web in context
  23. @snowcone That's Korean feelin', you know. LOL

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:50:27 UTC from web in context
  24. @snowcone You know what? we koreans call that kind of hot taste "cool".

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:49:17 UTC from web in context
  25. @vt3c It's all about distence...(is this spelling right?)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:47:40 UTC from web in context
  26. @snowcone Oh, good. (one more thing: they're all boilling hot.)

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:46:38 UTC from web in context
  27. @vt3c yeah, it's wonderful actually.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:45:53 UTC from web in context
  28. @vt3c It's very big city(For example, korea's population is about 50,000,000. and...10,000,000 of them ives in Seoul), so you should be well prepared!

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:44:33 UTC from web in context
  29. @snowcone Nong Shim's ramyun....all bit(some of them is more that a bit)spicy and salty. all korean foods are the same.

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:42:26 UTC from web in context
  30. @vt3c VERY NOIESY, VERY>

    Sunday, 08-Dec-13 02:39:36 UTC from web in context

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