Lieberman's home timeline


  1. !mnbronies Any skateboarding bronies? I'm headed down to 3rd lair over my spring break (March 26-April 6). I'm pretty sure I'm the only avid skater here, but I thought I'd ask just in case, reply to this if you're interested.

    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 08:20:05 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies For those of you who are anti-facebook: Send all submissions to:, and be sure to include "MInnesota Bronies tshirt contest" in the email title.

      Saturday, 03-Mar-12 05:02:16 UTC from web
      • !mnbronies The RDN group continues to grow and thrive despite being practically dead. I love you guys *tears*.

        Thursday, 01-Mar-12 22:04:23 UTC from web
      • !mnbronies Oops, posted too soon! What I was getting at is that I am totally willing to remove shipping fees for anyone in the area interested in picking an item up themselves!

        Monday, 27-Feb-12 01:39:58 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies Hey guys, I'm a brony up in Duluth who does custom pony blindbags and plushies. I'm taking commissions over here at - I have a shop with some pre-made plushies over at

          Monday, 27-Feb-12 01:38:22 UTC from web
        • ONE HUNDRED MEMBERS! :D !mnbronies

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 21:38:09 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies @gami Yeah we got a skype chat. Alex Daily runs it. I think his skype name is "supertrekkie4" if you want to message him to add you to the group.

          Monday, 20-Feb-12 03:42:18 UTC from web
        • Oh, also, did we ever set up any Skype groups, then? o: !mnbronies

          Sunday, 19-Feb-12 20:49:48 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies I am. I'll usually be either at the consuite or at the main smoking entrance.

            Saturday, 18-Feb-12 09:50:26 UTC from web
          • Hey hey hey, so who's going to Anime Detour this year, guys? c: !mnbronies

            Friday, 17-Feb-12 05:32:39 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies I regret to inform everypony that the Brony Con event has been cancelled :(, at least the road tripping part. If anyone else is flying down there feel free to call me. My # is in the post below.

            Saturday, 24-Dec-11 23:09:42 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies Anyone interested in bronycon? Andrea Libman (Voice of Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy), Nicole Oliver (Voice of Princess Celestia & Cheerilee) , and Ashleigh Ball (Voice of Rainbow Dash & Applejack) are going to be there this year. A bunch of us are planning on having a road trip all the way to New York to attend the latest one. If we get enough people (5 or more, and we already have 3 going so far) the cost per person would be almost nothing. You'd just need$45 for the ticket and a lil money for food. Text me at (651) 246-0574 with your real name and rainbowdashnetwork name and I'll add you to a list of non facebook members that want to attend.

            Thursday, 22-Dec-11 00:04:34 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies Another MoA meet planned for January 7th. Just thought I'd let everyone know.

            Friday, 16-Dec-11 08:31:03 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies There's one for new years, which isn't being planned very well and probably wont happen. We also have plans for a snowball fight whenever we get snow, also probably wont happen because we don't have a location picked out, and nobody's checking the weather for a snow day. Lastly I have a St.Paul Winter Carnival event planned for January 28th from noon or so til whenever people get bored.

              Thursday, 08-Dec-11 01:02:13 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies. hey guys, when/where's the next meetup?

                Wednesday, 07-Dec-11 18:01:36 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies @rex Glad you could finally attend a meet, though you did look rather lonely. Hopefully attending more meets will help you open up more :).

                  Sunday, 04-Dec-11 01:32:16 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies If you're going to the MOA meet show up at Lego Land around 11 am. We'll be outside the toy store past the children's building area. as. As for Skype, I don't have it, but I could be persuaded to get it if enough of the MN bronies join.

                    Friday, 02-Dec-11 08:24:04 UTC from web
                    • !mnbronies I just gave myself an idea. Those of us with Skype could make an MNBronies group conversation. That way, we can have real-time discussions about meetups, as well as calls, or just casual conversation.

                      Thursday, 01-Dec-11 17:33:50 UTC from web
                    • !mnbronies Right now, my plans for Saturday are a choice between the brony meetup, a pizza party with an Honors Society (probably gonna be boring), or staying home to help some brony artists with an art collab on skype. Just so I know in case I decide to go, what's the plan for showing up? Like, how early before noon to show up, do I need any phone numbers, are there name tags, etc.? Sorry, I just really dont see a point in making a FaceBook page when I already have Skype for talking to people...

                      Thursday, 01-Dec-11 17:28:55 UTC from web
                      • !mnbronies For those of our anti Facebook members *cough*primev2*cough*, a monthly brony MOA meet is planned for Dec 3rd from noon to 6PM. Same meet place as the others, Legoland.

                        Monday, 21-Nov-11 01:30:27 UTC from web
                        • !mnbronies IF people pitch in

                          Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 14:17:08 UTC from web
                          • By the way, sorry I've been really inactive both on this and the FB page! A little after the MOA meet, I kinda had a series of bad experiences with bronies, so uh yeah I kinda dropped out of participating in the fandom :c I still love the show and watch it, just I had some problems with some people... Plus I'm working really hard at getting into college this year, so ponies have been lowered in priority XD;; I'll be seeing some of you at Detour this year for sure (My Applejack cosplay just needs a wig now!), but otherwise um yeah sorry for the inactivity and I'll try to get more into the group when Detour's coming up! c: !mnbronies

                            Monday, 24-Oct-11 21:39:09 UTC from web
                          • !mnbronies @shadowflame No problem Ian! I figured you've been doing so much for MN brony events and such that it was only fair. :) And thanks for the one-up at the Facebook group, too! /)^3^(\

                            Saturday, 15-Oct-11 14:50:25 UTC from web
                            • !mnbronies For those of you out of the loop of current events happening in the group because you refuse to join Facebook for some reason, we have a brony meetup again at the Mall of America on November 5th. Here's a snippet from the event page:

                              Saturday, 15-Oct-11 14:18:52 UTC from web
                              • !mnbronies Thank you for the promotion Lindsay/Danielle. I've also made you two admins in the facebook group. Its only fair since you two started the brony group for minnesota in the first place.

                                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 14:15:15 UTC from web
                                • !mnbronies @shadowflame all right. Thank you.

                                  Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:45:04 UTC from web
                                  • !mnbronies @lpfan4ever No age limit for standard meetups.

                                    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 20:54:03 UTC from web
                                    • !mnbronies I was wondering. Is there a certain age limit to participate in any meetups. Like, would I have to be 18 to go to any of them?

                                      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 13:53:47 UTC from web
                                    • !mnbronies Outside the Best Buy, not inside.

                                      Sunday, 02-Oct-11 01:44:44 UTC from web
                                      • !mnbronies @primev2 nothing planned, it's not my meetup this time. Though I just love hanging out with the bronies.

                                        Saturday, 01-Oct-11 02:22:59 UTC from web