DemonX300's home timeline


  1. Any of my fellow !atlantabronies (or out-of-staters for that matter) planning on going to Dragon*Con? I've never been so enthused about going until this year.

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 15:52:32 UTC from web
  2. !atlantabronies You know guys, it just dawned on my that the 30th is also International Friendship Day. I totally didn't plan it this way, but I hope everyone will come celebrate with a burger from the Landmark. 

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 01:03:07 UTC from web
  3. Gen 1 movie Let’s Watch continued! Parts 3 through 5 are up! 3 – 4 – 5 –

    Monday, 18-Jul-11 12:49:50 UTC from web
  4. @tinwhistle Yep, using it mostly for advertising purposes.

    Monday, 18-Jul-11 13:04:37 UTC from web
    • Well, look at that! Part 2 is already done uploading! Here is the link for it!

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 04:24:11 UTC from web
      • So part one of the MLP G1 movie Let's Watch is up! The rest of the parts should be going up throughout the night! Here is the link: Hope everypony enjoys! I will try to update here as each part goes up!

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 04:18:31 UTC from web
        • A BronyComms stream is happening RIGHT. NOW. -

          Sunday, 17-Jul-11 09:00:07 UTC from web
          • Just finished recording the G1 movie Let's Watch with Videomaster......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! My god that movie hurt, look for it to be up in the next day or so.

            Sunday, 17-Jul-11 04:57:19 UTC from web