Josh Justice's home timeline


  1. !atlantabronies Okay, so I'm thinking: I want to try to get a meetup setup at the Mall of Georgia sometime during may, Sometime around the 23rd. Who would be up for it? We could browse the mall, raid the Toys'R'Us across the way, and grab some food either at the mall food court or one of the nicer surrounding restaurants. Loose date of the 23rd, I can work the date around the schedules of people who want to come so let me know! Hope to see a good few Bronies there ^_^.

    Friday, 27-Apr-12 02:43:56 UTC from web
  2. !atlantabronies Hello!

    Monday, 16-Apr-12 02:29:36 UTC from web
  3. @chipperlunaro !atlantabronies totally it would be soooo awesome to meet up

    Friday, 13-Apr-12 19:35:29 UTC from web
  4. !atlantabronies Success!

    Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:57:46 UTC from web
    • !atlantabronies So is anyone planning another meet up

      Wednesday, 04-Apr-12 23:06:41 UTC from web