Travis Graham's home timeline


  1. Sure feels like a whole lot of time-to-find-my-trusty-jacket out there. !mnbronies

    Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 04:24:47 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies @sneakysnake Hehe, I got that last one yesterday, I called in and asked them to hold it for me. Blaine is right next to Brooklyn Park (where I live), so the ponies were worth the trip.

      Monday, 05-Sep-11 02:36:17 UTC from web
    • !ponytoycollectors Picked up the 12-pack of the mini/"blind bag" ponies at Toys R Us today... one or two of these random ponies are begging to be custom bait. There was still one set left at the Blaine BRU, for any !mnbronies looking. # #

      Saturday, 03-Sep-11 02:11:15 UTC from web
    • !mnbronies Sorry for the last empty message, as I accidentally hit "enter" too soon. Sadly, I was too busy moving into my new apartment on the 27th to attend the meetup at ValleyFair. I hope those of you that attended had a good time and that I will be able to attend a future meetup. I live in Chaska now, but I can still easily drive to Minneapolis/St. Paul, as I drove from St. Paul to Eden Prairie every day to get to work for four years, so long drives do not bother me. ;)

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 22:57:03 UTC from web
      • !mnbronies

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 22:55:25 UTC from web
        • !mnbronies Lol that ride was so fun. @primev2 thanks.

          Monday, 29-Aug-11 01:36:17 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies Just got back from Valleyfair; had a great time, made "TO THE MOOOOON" jokes on steel venom, and promised to link this PMV for Shadowflame.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 04:17:05 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies I might not go to Valley Fair because I am trying to save on money. Also my family is asking what this group is, and I don't know what to tell them.

              Saturday, 27-Aug-11 04:50:30 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies Just seeing if this works. If it does -- Hi, MN bronies!

                Friday, 26-Aug-11 21:18:10 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies For the non-facebook bronies. State Fair next Wednesday, You in? 10am till whenever you gotta go.

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 01:33:30 UTC from web
                • !mnbronies @primev2 I'd assume so. It goes straight to the casino. I guess I'll just meet you at the MoA terminal then.

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 09:27:23 UTC from web
                  • !mnbronies @shadowflame I'll try to meet you there at 4. The 3 o'clock bus from MoA gets there by then, right?

                    Friday, 26-Aug-11 04:09:11 UTC from web
                    • !mnbronies bah, 1 day before I get payed. Cant someone postpone it for a day?

                      Friday, 26-Aug-11 01:42:15 UTC from web
                      • !mnbronies @primev2 Btw If you get on the Mystic Lake bus and meet me at the casino I'll hang out front for a bit, I'll be wearing a Rainbow Dash cutie mark shirt. You need to tell me if you're going before noon on Saturday so I know if I should be waiting for you.

                        Friday, 26-Aug-11 01:05:38 UTC from web
                        • !mnbronies @primev2 Bus schedule for Mysic Lake Routes is here: The easiest one is the Mall of America route since so many bus routes go there. I plan on being at Mystic Lake at 4PM'ish since the even starts at 5. I'll call Zach that afternoon to remind him he's picking me (or us) up, then again to tell him I'm there.

                          Thursday, 25-Aug-11 07:34:46 UTC from web
                          • !mnbronies @shadowflame I've never actually used one of those Mystic Lake busses; do they all just drop off at the exact same place, or is there a specific place I need to get off at? And what time do I need to be there(for Zach, that is)?

                            Thursday, 25-Aug-11 06:37:57 UTC from web
                            • !mnbronies @primev2 Do what I'm doing, get on a Mystic Lake bus, then Zach is gonna pick us up.

                              Thursday, 25-Aug-11 00:29:17 UTC from web
                              • !mnbronies bah, it doesn't look like I'll be able to make the valley fair meet; public transport options to get down there are abysmal. Oh well...

                                Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 16:50:24 UTC from web
                                • !mnbronies @sneakysnake Sounds like a pretty cool idea. We need to find out an air time though first. If it's in the afternoon we could do the library thing, if in the morning we should camp in your backyard the previous night. I can't imagine many people coming or even getting up for a morning premier (I of course would), but camping out in a backyard could be fun.

                                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 03:04:24 UTC from web
                                  • !mnbronies @researchpony We were talking about that at the bar last night. The original plan was to rent a library room, but that could get too loud. Someone suggested we use one of our parents basements, which might be fine as long as there's plenty of places to sit, and that there's a decent sized TV or projector.

                                    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 01:12:18 UTC from web
                                    • @shadowflame Heck, I could even suggest my own house, but we'd be able to seat about 12 people at most in one room (and that's INCLUDING floor spaces/or bring your own chair)... I have a feeling it's going to be a lot more than that! How about the Central library off Nicollet in Minneapolis? They also host anime club meetings, so they have to used to people watching loud cartoons... and it's a nice library!

                                      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 19:01:52 UTC in context
                                  • !mnbronies Are we still having a meetup for the premiere of season 2? @xanthestarcustoms There still can be a meetup North of the Metro area, right?

                                    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 23:38:37 UTC from web
                                    • !mnbronies @primev2 Pretty sure we'll meet up at the front.If you arrive later we can come find you.

                                      Friday, 19-Aug-11 11:19:10 UTC from web
                                      • !mnbronies For those of you too lazy, afraid, or against making a simple facebook account =P, here is a screen of the upcoming Valley Fair event. Saturday, August 27 · 1:00pm - 9:00pm. Original plan is 5PM to 9PM, but some people may want to show up earlier and experience a full day at the park. Show up anytime you want, just leave your number if you decide to go early so the people that show up later can find the rest of us easier.

                                        Monday, 15-Aug-11 02:10:35 UTC from web
                                      • !mnbronies Hey guys! I'm an Admin at a brony gaming site, and I just started up a "meetups" board in the forums of the site. It's small now (since I just started it), but if you guys want to join the site and talk about meetups with those gaming bronies, not only will the site get more members, but our meetups will also get a few more goers. Also, it's a fun site to join if you're a gamer :P. Please consider joining in a few hours, it'll get it's official domain as

                                        Thursday, 18-Aug-11 17:26:00 UTC from web
                                        • !mnbronies Heyo, other mnbronies! Can't really do meetups as I'm up in Duluth, but it's cool to see some others! Trying to get a pony shirt to wear to the Renfest this year though, maybe I'll see one of you!

                                          Thursday, 18-Aug-11 03:37:45 UTC from web
                                          • !mnbronies Did you just @ yourself?

                                            Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 08:22:42 UTC from web
                                          • !mnbronies Hey did anyone suggest a meetup at the Winter Carnival yet?

                                            Sunday, 14-Aug-11 20:01:08 UTC from web
                                          • !mnbronies totally gonna be there.

                                            Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 20:29:49 UTC from web
                                            • !mnbronies *My Little Problem: MN chapter* pony & drinkin group's first meetup is the Saturday, the 20th, @ SHAMROCK'S 995 West 7th St. in St. Paul @ 7:30 for anypony that wants to come!

                                              Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 15:16:17 UTC from web
                                            • !mnbronies Spent the night at the brony birthday party we had planned on Facebook. We watched ponies, played smash bros on a modded wii, went to the park and goofed around on the playground while discussing ponies. For dinner Paul's (birthday brony) dad made these crazy hamburgers with expensive cheese, canadian bacon, and served on a croissant instead of a bun. Later we lit the crazy candle contraption his mom got and all of us bronies and his family sang happy birthday. The candle was pretty awesome. You light the candles and it blooms like a flower and starts making this birthday music. (horrible quality pics taken with my 3DS:

                                              Monday, 15-Aug-11 01:51:10 UTC from web