Ian Kothe (shadowflame)'s status on Monday, 15-Aug-11 01:51:10 UTC

  1. !mnbronies Spent the night at the brony birthday party we had planned on Facebook. We watched ponies, played smash bros on a modded wii, went to the park and goofed around on the playground while discussing ponies. For dinner Paul's (birthday brony) dad made these crazy hamburgers with expensive cheese, canadian bacon, and served on a croissant instead of a bun. Later we lit the crazy candle contraption his mom got and all of us bronies and his family sang happy birthday. The candle was pretty awesome. You light the candles and it blooms like a flower and starts making this birthday music. (horrible quality pics taken with my 3DS: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/2921/hni0017o.jpg http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4302/hni0018s.jpg

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 01:51:10 UTC from web