Abi Burton (saftehponeh)

  1. Oh geeze, forgot I had this account I'm terrible! How's everypony doing?

    Thursday, 02-Feb-12 11:06:57 UTC from web
  2. I've been feeling really ill over the weekend, Anypony want to cheer me up somehow? ;-;

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 08:54:28 UTC from web in context
  3. Remind me up upload the picture of my cat doing his Lyra impression at some point, He just might secretly be a brony.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 20:41:42 UTC from web
  4. "Oh Applejack, if only I could taste the magic"

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 16:44:32 UTC from web
  5. I love the fact one of the librarians at work who knows me just a little had to come and ask me what exactly a 'Brony' was today.

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 18:32:37 UTC from web
  6. That awkward moment when you doodle your OC dragon being fondled by Discord, IDEK anymore gaiz. http://tewi.us/tegaki/dblog.php?u=36294&e=1497400

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 10:34:04 UTC from web
  7. Who's a silly pony? You're a silly pony! UGH THAT SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD ><

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 09:25:34 UTC from web
  8. Morning Dashnetwork! I've got a Lilly Blossom to style today, Any ideas? I want to put a braid in amongst her mane.

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 06:47:03 UTC from web in context
  9. @purplephish20 That's awesome! I already have one close brony friend from there. As I say I think it'll prolly be early next year as Christmas is coming up and I know people will probably try and save up as much extra cash as possible, Plus think of all that X-Mas money to spend on ponies!

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 06:46:15 UTC from web in context
  10. Aww man, me and mum ate my MLP Pasta shapes for supper tonight, I missed out on a perfect oppertunity to scream out "TONIGHT WE DINE ON PONIES!"

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 18:58:08 UTC from web
  11. Ok the group's up! Anyone wanting to have a brony meetup in Sheffield, UK possibly early next year, go go go!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 18:56:56 UTC from web
  12. @rotation Ah! Thanks dude, Haha I've never used anything like this before so a majority of this will probably go right over my head, How exactly would I start a group on here? >.<

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 18:40:26 UTC from web in context
  13. Hey all! I'm new here, and tryng to organise a brony meetup in the Sheffield or Doncaster area of the UK, I have no idea how to go about this so any help would be appreciated thanks!

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 20:27:17 UTC from web in context


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Member since
20 Sep 2011
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