Abi Burton's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • Oh geeze, forgot I had this account I'm terrible! How's everypony doing?

      Thursday, 02-Feb-12 11:06:57 UTC from web
      • @stecissunrise Oh man that would be awesome! Do you reckon you would be able to do a really good version of the Yorkshire OC for it? :D

        Saturday, 07-Jan-12 23:12:51 UTC from web
      • !uk !midlands !lincsyorkshirebronies Ok, @klayking is in the process of organising a meetup in Leeds at some point in the future, he's using THIS group > !Yorkshire which of course (in comparison to !midlands on the whole) requires numbers! So if your anywhere at all within the vivinity of Leeds or just far enough away you can get to a meetup, give us a buzz! !Yorkshire

        Friday, 06-Jan-12 19:46:32 UTC from web
        • !lincsyorkshirebronies Just a quick question about the meet up. Will it be a combined event with !midlands?

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:42:03 UTC from web
          • !midlands & !lincsyorkshirebronies combine numbers!!! Become an untold level of greatness!

            Monday, 10-Oct-11 21:24:28 UTC from web
          • !lincsyorkshirebronies refer to previous comment, I fail a tagging

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 08:46:55 UTC from web
            • I've been feeling really ill over the weekend, Anypony want to cheer me up somehow? ;-;

              Sunday, 25-Sep-11 08:54:28 UTC from web
            • Remind me up upload the picture of my cat doing his Lyra impression at some point, He just might secretly be a brony.

              Friday, 23-Sep-11 20:41:42 UTC from web
              • "Oh Applejack, if only I could taste the magic"

                Friday, 23-Sep-11 16:44:32 UTC from web
                • I love the fact one of the librarians at work who knows me just a little had to come and ask me what exactly a 'Brony' was today.

                  Thursday, 22-Sep-11 18:32:37 UTC from web
                  • That awkward moment when you doodle your OC dragon being fondled by Discord, IDEK anymore gaiz. http://tewi.us/tegaki/dblog.php?u=36294&e=1497400

                    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 10:34:04 UTC from web
                    • Who's a silly pony? You're a silly pony! UGH THAT SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD ><

                      Thursday, 22-Sep-11 09:25:34 UTC from web
                      • Hey all! I'm new here, and tryng to organise a brony meetup in the Sheffield or Doncaster area of the UK, I have no idea how to go about this so any help would be appreciated thanks!

                        Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 20:27:17 UTC from web
                      • Morning Dashnetwork! I've got a Lilly Blossom to style today, Any ideas? I want to put a braid in amongst her mane.

                        Thursday, 22-Sep-11 06:47:03 UTC from web
                      • Aww man, me and mum ate my MLP Pasta shapes for supper tonight, I missed out on a perfect oppertunity to scream out "TONIGHT WE DINE ON PONIES!"

                        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 18:58:08 UTC from web
                        • Ok the group's up! Anyone wanting to have a brony meetup in Sheffield, UK possibly early next year, go go go!

                          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 18:56:56 UTC from web