Klay King (klayking)
@elscire !yorkshirebronies Oh man, have you not heard about the Sheffield meet? D:
!yorkshirebronies Well guys, the time has finally arrived! The meetup tomorrow (Saturday 26th) marks our one year anniversary of meeting up! Let's make it a good'un! I'd like to make a shoutout to @rotation and @pawnheart - Thanks guys for hosting the 2011 November Sheffield meet, you guys are responsible for me creating Yorkshire Bronies, and I can't thank you enough for the good times everyone in this group has had over the course of 2012!
Friday, 25-Jan-13 19:51:32 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies Today was the first anniversary of Yorkshire Bronies, and I almost forgot to write a message. Happy birthday YB! It has been an awesome year, and we have all made a lot of awesome new friends!
Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 23:39:01 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies One year ago, my desk was empty. One year later: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/Desk%20Jan%202013.JPG
!yorkshirebronies Happy new year everypony!
Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 00:47:25 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies Merry Christmas everyone! Did anyone get any good presents? I know I did! :D https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/IMG_1435.JPG
@elscire Oh man, that's mine! Where was it? :D
!yorkshirebronies Meetup tomorrow! See you all soon!
Friday, 14-Dec-12 22:44:35 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies Less than a week until the Leeds megameet! Don't miss out! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/leeds-brony-hearths-warming-eve-mega-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies-15-12-2012.6274/
Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 20:16:44 UTC from web -
@ilovelamps Aww yeaa! /)
@sparkstorm Whoa, for real? I'll be there! :D
@misdreagus93 Hi! Just informing you of a huge Leeds meetup that will be taking place soon. It will be great to have you there! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/leeds-brony-hearths-warming-eve-mega-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies-15-12-2012.6274/
@minako789 Hi! Just informing you of a huge Leeds meetup that will be taking place soon. It will be great to have you there! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/leeds-brony-hearths-warming-eve-mega-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies-15-12-2012.6274/
Sunday, 02-Dec-12 23:11:22 UTC from web -
@chocolatelatte Hi! Just informing you of a huge Leeds meetup that will be taking place soon. It will be great to have you there! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/leeds-brony-hearths-warming-eve-mega-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies-15-12-2012.6274/
Sunday, 02-Dec-12 23:08:36 UTC from web -
@purplephish20 I never read your comment though!
@minako789 Hi there! We don't have anything set in stone yet, but Sheffield is a high priority for our meetups in the new year. Hopefully we will be hosting a meetup there in January or February. In the mean time, if you can make it to Leeds, we're having a massive megameetup in December, and it would be great to have you there!
!yorkshirebronies Fantastic piece of White Rose artwork, by Kay! http://i47.tinypic.com/167pifo.png
Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 21:48:18 UTC from web -
@sparkstorm There was a Slenderman and he scared the life out of poor Tabby. It was a glorious moment! :'D
!yorkshirebronies Epic meetup was epic. Especially the parts where we danced Gangnam style, we met the Doctor Whos + assistants, and Tabby was scared *squee*less by Slenderman!
@ceruleanspark On a slightly related note, I have seen a yellow Fiat Panda with Fluttershy's cutie mark on the fuel cap drive past me a few times earlier this year. I really wish an opportunity would come up for me to see it early, run into the road to stop it, and talk to the driver...
@ceruleanspark It is indeed quite subtle, yet any brony would instantly recognise it. Somehow I don't think I'd quite get away with driving round in a pink convertible!
I'm going to get an MGB Roadster, and I'm wondering if I should ponify it like so: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/MyLittleMGB.jpg
@sparkstorm How do you mean; merge groups?
@gcgmusic You should check out Leeds Met Uni. They have an entire society of bronies! http://www.facebook.com/groups/196663020439825/
!yorkshirebronies Harrogate meet this weekend! Don't miss out! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/harrogate-brony-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies.4664/
Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:24:13 UTC from web -
@fl3tch3r2k Yeah, I'm up for this if anyone else is! Just so long as it's cheap (I'm totally utterly skint)!
#ponyguns Pinkie is best rear sight! http://i.imgur.com/pTJvD.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7047/6802345092_f54b5ccb73_o.jpg
RDN is now for the discussion of ponies as gun sights. I say we need a new hashtag! #ponyguns https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/PonySights%20%281%29.JPG https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/PonySights%20%282%29.JPG https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/PonySights%20%283%29.JPG